The Beginning of The End

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"It's time to go home love," Nick spoke softly.

"The sun is setting and it's getting dark." But Hiro didn't answer him.

Soon enough the two young men would be illuminated by the crimson glow of the setting sun.
He slowly raised his head towards the sky and shielded his verdant eyes with his hand from the hurting brightness of the sun.
After a short moment he looked down again at his husband.

"Aren't you getting cold?" He asked, letting his eyes wander over the enormous lake, Hiro was in.
Both of them were enjoying their time at the shore. The albino, lying in the clear turquoise water and the shapeshifter kneeling in the wet sand above him.

"Usually you always freeze so quickly and I'm already feeling cold," he explained to him in a pleading tone, pulling at the green scarf around his shoulders.

"How am I supposed to feel cold when you are here to warm my heart, darling?" He raised his red eyes upwards, meeting Nick's and laid his hand on his tanned cheek.

However, Nick could only chuckle at his husband's statement. He appreciated Hiro's effort of trying to make him feel loved. Yet, he couldn't help but worry for the safety of his health.

"That's very sweet of you love, but I don't want you getting sick." He answered with a loving smile.
"Also, how do you imagine to get to know my new friend tomorrow if you're at home because you're sick?" He asked, thinking he had finally convinced him.

"Oh yes, how I totally look forward to meeting the one person, who has been occupying your time for the past month," he said in an almost unnoticeable sarcastical tone.

"Exactly! If you get sick you won't meet Ray. So get out of the water and put on your robes, it's time to go home love."

He exhaled in defeat and raised his pale body out of the water. Nick was quick to throw a cotton towel over Hiro's head.
Both of them giggling as the brunette roughly dried his husband's snowy hair.

"Hey, I think you got me little mushroom, " he said, laughing.

"I'm not too sure yet," he said and continued rubbing his head even stronger.

Both of them started laughing so naturally that they ended up falling down on the wet sand surrounding the cyan lagoon.

Hiro was laying with his back to the sand while he gently tried pushing of his husband, who was sitting on top of him. Nick desperately tried to dry his pale body, wet from the spring swim.

After some time of messing around, Hiro was able to carefully catch a hold of Nick's wrists and held them close to his body. The tanned man amateurishly tried to free himself, but after he had realized his hopelessness, he lovingly gazed into his husband's bloody eyes.
Hiro was tempted to kiss him before he realized what had gotten them into this position in the first place.

"Didn't you say it is time to go home love?"

"You're right." He sighed. "Though I must admit, I really like it here."

"I agree," he said and quickly changed into his red robes.

They had only discovered this spot a few days ago, when an unexpected but harmless tide flooded the shore they were now sitting on.
The last time they were out swimming like this, must be about six years ago.
However, here in Renia they were afraid to show themselves so vulnerable. Especially Hiro was the one feeling most uncomfortable with this, which could possibly be the reason why he didn't want to leave that day.

"How about," he suggested . "We will go here again someday?"

Nick nodded enthusiastically before realizing that they wouldn't be able to come here again as soon as they wished. As an albino, Hiro wasn't able to stay in the sun for too long. Here in Renia the summers weren't necessarily hot but the intensity of the burning sun was still dangerous to his sensitive skin.
To come back here in the evening, shadows shielding them from the public's eyes, unfortunately wouldn't be an option. Out of all the dangers they would encounter, nature's spirit would be the most perilous one.

"Don't worry." He took Nick's hand. "We will come here again next spring," he said with a loving smile.

Nick straightened the scarf around his shoulders, cupped Hiro's face and answered with a gentle kiss. His husband carefully took a hold of his waist and pulled him closer to himself.

Hand in hand, they walked through the sunset, already planning their next visit to this lagoon.

This day was the last time they ever went here.

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