8) Wind from the South

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Hiro stopped breathing for a split second, he couldn't believe what he had just heard.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I understood you correctly Miss Flocks. What exactly is going to happen?"

The young therapist avoided eye contact with him by looking downwards at the old and partly cracked wooden floor.
"You remember I told you, I'm good friends with Eli Ravan." she said with a trembling breath, Hiro could hear the guilt in her voice.

"Yes... what with that?" he asked without averting his sternly gaze.
"She recently informed me about a mysterious seer who talked about you...apparently." she whispered, scared that Nick upstairs might hear them.

Hiro intensively stared at her with fear, but not for himself.
He wasn't scared about his future, but since Nick and his future were connected now it meant whatever applied to him, would also apply to his lover.

Whenever Hiro was in denial about something he would tell himself that it's a part of religion and that means he wouldn't believe into that. But seers were real after all, not just some lame trick for children, it was real magic.

He fastly walked up to her and roughly grabbed her shoulders, causing her to wince and anxiously look into his eyes.
"Melody, this is not the time to joke around." he said with a dead serious voice.

However, as a therapist, Melody was able to hear the horror in his it and look past his well built mask. She intensely stared at him, silently telling him, to take it off .

To her surprise, it worked and his body began to shake uncontrollably. Unusual for someone like Hiro, who was incredibly good at suppressing his emotions in order to think rational. "I cannot put Nick in such danger." the albino boy continued, his red eyes filling up with hot tears.

They stared at each other, waiting for someone to break the silence and bring some hope in this seemingly hopeless situation.

"Hiro love, it's getting late we should go. I need to work tomorrow or," Nick paused and checked his black pocket watch.
"better said, I need to work today." he said sleepy. The watch almost showed two in the morning.

Hiro knew, his boyfriend wouldn't go downstairs alone due to the familiar noise the wooden staircase would make. So he focused a few seconds to replace his mask, one last time he stared at Melody with fear in his eyes.

Finally, he went upstairs and didn't let anyone see through him once again.
After Travis agreed with Nick that he could come later to work the next day, Hiro went home with him.

Together they walked through Rania's dark alleys. Only some of the torches from outside the houses were lighting up the black sky.
They weren't capable of seeing much however, they felt comfort in the endless darkness of the night.

. . . . . . . . . .

When he had walked Nick to the Foxburrow, he told him he had an important appointment at Creekcoast Academy because tomorrow would be his first day.

Even though, he hated lying to his boyfriend but he did it in order to protect him, so it was okay.
And he's not gonna find out anyway, so there wouldn't be a problem with it.

Although, The Vonnetts rule over Renia, they preferred to live outside of it. Which gave Hiro a bad vibe since the day him and Nick moved here - six years ago.
But that meant Hiro was now heading towards the coast. He knew Melody had said, that they would guide him from his house to the small palace.

But he wanted to do anything to avoid that kind of very negative attention of Renia's citizens.
As he came closer and closer he sensed the fear and worry of the people living close to it.

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