Chapter 24

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Are you done talking?

But in that situation, Marion dragged her son in front of Islay.

"Nicholas, say hello to the Duke?"

"Oh, hello."

Frustrated by the cold eyes of Islay, the child bows his head.

It's quite different from the way he yells at his mother and servants earlier.

But seeing the child's low spirits, the look on his face never seemed to let go.

"Nicholas is the same as before."


"He's noisy, and has the habit of being rude to everyone still hasn't been fixed."

With a calm voice as if telling the truth, the child's expression had hardened.

But Islay's gaze was cold to Nicholas.

Of course, it was Nicholas who lost interest in the children.

Even though he was still a little boy, Nicholas looks like a bad adult.

He has a strong personality to the weak.

Now, in front of Islay, there were a lot of servants who acted like gentle sheep but silent because of Nicholas's misdeeds.

Moreover, the parents who are supposed to teach this child strictly spoiled the child very much.

"Oh, Duke."

Then, Marion opened her mouth with a sad face.

"You're the only cousin I have, and you can be a little nicer to me, right?"


The question of why I should do that rose to the top of my neck, but Islay endured it first.

Meanwhile, Islay's gaze touched the outfit Nicholas was wearing.

The yellow jacket and white pants were familiar uniforms.

"Is Nicholas wearing the school uniform of Polina Kindergarten?"

"Oh, that's right. Thank you so much for remembering my son's kindergarten."

"No, I didn't remember it because of Nicholas."

Islay cut the speech.

The reason why he even knew the appearance of school uniforms in kindergarten was simple.

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