Chapter 34

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Marion, who stood upright, faced the Duke's Grandmother straight.

"You think that's all? Even two or three people went to the festival today!"

"What do you mean, three people!"

"Bianca, the little girl. The Duke adores her almost like a daughter."

In response, sparks burst out of the Duchess's eyes.

Islay, my precious grandson is seeing that Evelyn girl again?

And you adore a little girl born from another man's seed!

"Evelyn, I just want you to......!"

The Duke's Grandmother sprang up from his seat.

Marion looked inwardly at the Duke's Grandmother with a look of complaint.

'All right, we just need to get this thing going.'

When Marion was so happy.

Ring, ring......!

The sharp phone rang.

"Who the hell is calling at a time like this?"

The Duke's Grandmother nervously picked up the phone.


- Grandma, how have you been?


At that moment, the Duke's Grandmother opened her eyes wide.

Because the person who called was Islay.

"I thought you were down at the Duke of Neidhart, but I don't know when you came back to the system."

Listening to a strange voice, the Duke's Grandmother swallowed dry saliva.

What he said was true.

After Evelyn went missing, she was sent down to the Dukes to escape the angry Islay.

After that, when I heard the news of Evelyn, I got angry and chased her to the system.......

So, Mrs. Eaton will be in front of you, right?

"Mrs. Eaton! Viscountess! What do you mean...!"

Surprised, the Duchess raised her voice without realizing it.

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