Chapter 80

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A shabby street outside the system.

Islay, who was leading the magistrate inside, suddenly opened his eyes.

It was because the old wooden building was on fire.

The burning heat was so strong that just standing in front of me made my face hot.

"Fa, fire!"

"Fire brigade! Call the fire brigade!"

"How the hell did a fire break out?"

In the sudden big fire, people poured into the streets, lost their minds and were panicking.

Astonished security officers had a quick conversation.

"I think we should call the fire brigade first!"

"If you do something wrong, you could catch fire somewhere else on the street!"

Listening to the conversation, Islay chewed his lips to the point of bleeding.

'Why did this fire suddenly break out, what if Bianca is in there?'

My head was confused like a tangled thread.

But right then.

Click, click, click!

I heard a sound that seemed to pull the bars with all my might.

It sounded very small, buried in another murmur of noise.

Islay raised his head up.



Bianca, looking this way with eyes full of tears, came into view.

The eyes of Islay opened wide.

"Mr. Lay!"

Mixed with all the noise, Bianca's voice sounded rather equivocal.

It was so, given that other security officers had yet to notice Bianca's existence.

But for Islay, Bianca's request for help sounded as loud as thunder.

Mixed with the fine sound of the bars hitting the windows, Bianca's cry fell like a spear in his ear.

"Help me!"

Bianca puffed her lips once again.

Islay looked around, blindfolded by snow.

The flames were so intense that it seemed impossible for Bianca to go down alone.

To estimate the height, the room with Bianca was on the third floor of the building.

Besides, iron bars, glass, double-blocked windows.......

'Bianca is probably...... locked up in a room.'

In an instant, the situation was judged.

Islay's gaze sank deeply.

Buildings made of well-dried wood are very vulnerable to fire.

Besides, it'll take a while for the fire brigade to come.

You can't even keep Bianca in that room alone until then.


"Excuse me for a moment."

Islay stole a bucket of water from a man passing by in a hurry.

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