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Y/N picked up her pace as she kept glancing back to see how far the police were away from her. They were two carts down. She's been running through cart to cart in hopes to find something to disguise herself with.

Y/N stopped in another cart holding two people. An old lady and another person who's head is down. Y/N summed it down to him sleeping.

The old lady yelped, cowering away from Y/N. Y/N went over to her and reach out her hand. The lady began crying and sobbing into thinking Y/N was going to hurt her.

Y/N took the hat from the lady's head and quickly put it on. "Give me your coat." Y/N demands.

"B-but my daughter bought me this for Christmas." Y/N exhaled, pulling her 9mm Beretta 92FS from her waist and aimed it at the lady's head. The lady yelped in fear, crying harder this time.

"Just give me the coat and you won't get hurt." She demanded.

The lady shook her head and quickly took off her coat, handing it to Y/N. Y/N glanced back and saw the two policemen two carts closer to her. She cussed lowly and quickly threw the coat over her shoulders, pulling the hat over her eyes.

Y/N took a seat across from the lady and motioned for her to be quiet. Y/N felt bad about what she did, but kept focused. Once she gets off the train she'll be fine. More than fine.

She's surprised that the train is still moving in the first place. Surely they should've gotten the train to stop by now.

The two policemen reached the cart and Y/N glanced down, clutching her gun close to her side. She had to discard of the machine gun since, one, too heavy, and two, it's out of bullets now.

They began looking around. Glancing at the lady who's shaking and the one guy who's on the train as well. To bad for the ones that didn't get to make it off, but she'll be sure they won't get harmed.

They stopped their running and slowly made their way through to see if they spotted Y/N. Y/N glanced up at them and then averted her gaze back to the ground.

She clucthed her weapon so hard that she's sure it would've went off. The old lady looked at her, causing Y/N to glance at her as well, locking eyes with the woman.

She yelped and the policeman in front glanced down at Y/N. Y/N prayed that they'd make her life easier and just leave. However, life didn't play along with her pleads. During all of that running Y/N completely forgot about the two way walkie talkie she had on her, and someone picked the wrong time to call in.

"We just claimed the south pussies! Wooo!!"

The officers stopped, turning around.

"Shit." Y/N sprang to her feet and whipped the police officer closest to her in the jaw. The lady screamed and curled into a ball as the other passenger in the cart stayed to himself.

Y/N punched the officer in the side and avoided a bullet to the head set off by officer number two. Officer number two pulled the trigger once more but it clicked, indicating that he ran out of bullets. Cussing he tossed it.

Y/N took this as an opportunity and used the pole in the middle of the seats to swing and kicked officer one police in the face. He stumbled back, holding his nose and cursing.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now