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•[Forever and Always]•

Suna checked every section of theirs looking for Kita when he wasn't home. He tried calling him too but he got no answer. It made him worried.

Suna tried calling one more time when he stopped by the warehouse. Hopefully he's here. Suna got out and listened as Kita's phone went to voicemail again. Sighing he went inside.

The only people there are Ren and Tendou who're playing checkers.

They look at him and waved.

"Suna, hey." Tendou greets.

"Hey. Um, anyone seen Kita? I've been looking for him for the last five hours."

"Five hours?! Damn, wish I had a friend like you. If I went missing from the earth that long I'm pretty sure everyone would assume that I'm on a speed chase." Tendou scoffs. "Or in an asylum. They'd leave me there." He says zoning out.

Ren backed up in his chair a bit, not wanting to be too close to Tendou anymore.

"None of you seen him?"

They shook their heads no.

Suna sighs, taking out his phone to call him again. That's when Ren spoke up.

"Oh, he could be at the hospital." He pipes in. Suna rose a brow, glancing at him as the phone rang in his ears.

"The hospital?"

"Yeah. I don't know if you know but...he found out that his girlfriend got stage four lung cancer. So, he could be at the hospital." Ren informs.

"Cancer?" Suna couldn't believe it. He's heard Kita talk about his girlfriend a few times but barely gave any information since he said he didn't want her mixed in with what he was doing.

"Yeah...it was the saddest I've ever seen him to be honest."

"And how long did you know this?"

"...ever since I found out that Terushima was dead."

"Wait what?" Tendou says. Suna exhales. Just great. "The fuck do you mean hair dye is dead?"

"It's what Kita said. He didn't mean to tell me though, and I think Y/N killed him." He mumbles.

"What the fuck. I...I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything else about this and go home."

Suna turned on his heel and left the building. He'll deal with that later, he wants to make sure his friend is alright.

On his way to the first hospital in close distance he called Kita again and finally, he got an answer. An answer he'd been waiting for for the past fivr hours. It's nearly three in the morning.

"Kita, buddy where the hell are you?"

"Home." He answers. Suna caught the tiredness in his voice. Couldn't tell if the boy is sleepy or had been woken up, either way he's glad he got through to him.

"W-well, I was there, then searched around our sections to see if you were to any of 'em, also called you a couple hundred times and you didn't pick up. What's up?"

He wants to give him time to tell him what's going on with him. He doesn't want to toss it at him.

It got quiet for a minute. Suna heard shuffling on the other side.

"I'm...just tired as of recent." Kita says finally breaking the silence.

"What's bothering you man. You can talk to me. You're always here for me when I've got my problems so don't do me like this and shun me out. Tell me what's going on."

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora