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•[Tick Tock]•

Y/N climbed down the manhole and glanced around. Never in her life would she have seen herself walking around in the sewers.

Y/N kept on the pavement as she followed the directions Tendou sent her. The only thing she has with her as a weapon is the knife she got from Kita.

Y/N took a left and sighed. She wants to get Ukai and leave. Possibly without killing Tendou herself.

She then came to a halt, looking at two different tunnel directions.

She checked her phone, looking at the directions Tendou sent her about twenty minutes ago.

"Right." Y/N glanced down, then screamed when she saw a rat run past her.

"What the fuck?! Jesus fucking Christ are you fucking kidding me right now?" She touched her chest, exhaling.

She went to the right one, pulling the gate open. She recoiled her hand back after feeling something wet on it. She wiped her hand and nearly burst into tears.

She'd rather visit her roach shower than to deal with this shit. Literally.

"I can't believe this is where their entrance is. Fucking nasty."

However it's not. It's the old entrance they sealed off, having the entrance to be relocated in a drug house that got abandoned. They got to the third floor and pull back a board that has a ladder leading down.

They then go down a narrow hall for ten minutes and a metal door, that only a few people has the key to, is at the end.

However, Kenma wanted to change it to where the mall is. Wanting to call it the Upstairs. However, things changed after Y/N found it by accident.

Y/N continued to walk and soon came to an opening. She hummed, pushing her head up. When she looked through she saw dirt beneath. It was strange, but she brush past it.

Y/N pulled herself up and saw a piece of wood pushed on the other side. It's hot, like really hot. And it's spacy. In front of her she spotted another passage.

She felt like she entered some kind of maze. Y/N went past the bars, stepping on the other side.

When she did, she instantly spotted Tendou and Ukai. Ukai is sitting in the middle of the open, heated space, and Tendou is leaning down to him, grinning.

Y/N glanced around, taking in the area. It's a square space, all four walls made of concrete. It's not that big either, she's sure is she lays down her feet and head would touch the walls.

Then she spotted another wooden board, slabbed up against the wall that's across from her.

"Hello Y/N." Tendou glanced away from Ukai, looking at the girl.

"Let him go."

He shook his head. "Not after I tell you about my day. I'm sure you'd like to hear what I learned from you." He grins.

"I don't care what you're playing at. Let him go, we settle this overselves."

"Well after I found out about Kuroo's incarceration I thought, how splendid that he'd take the fall for Kenma. Guess love can make a person do crazy things." He laughs.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now