Attack on Clonshire City (1)

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When I entered Kasumi's house, I was brought into an embrace by a woman. My vision went black since my face was pressed against something extremely soft, which made me try to push away to no avail, since whoever was hugging me was too strong to pull out from.

"Why didn't you come back yesterday". Kasumi said with tears in her eyes.

After teleporting out of her embrace, I looked at her and saw that her eyes were tearing up.

"Can you not embrace me anymore?" I said coldly.

"First you don't want me to sleep with you or kiss you, and now you don't want me to hug you, that's not fair". Kasumi said with a pout.

"Fine, you can hug me, just don't do it so tightly". I said with an annoyed expression.

"Good, but I'll still make you want to kiss and sleep with me one day". Kasumi said with confidence.

"Not going to happen". I said with a cold expression.

"You'll see". Kasumi said while getting closer to me.

She once again embraced me, but it wasn't too tight, so I didn't resist it this time. After a few minutes of her embracing me, we felt the ground start to shake.

"What was that?" Kasumi asked with concern.

"I don't know, let's go see what it is". I said while heading out the door with Kasumi.

We then went toward the Hunter Union, since we saw a lot of people heading there. After entering the Hunter Union, it was chaotic with hunters entering and exiting the Union.

"What is going on" I asked a receptionist in the Hunters Union.

"Vampires have sent a horde of monsters and demons to attack this city". The receptionist said.

"Oh, I see, what can I do to help?" I asked.

"We already have medics and wall support so you can go help kill the monsters and demons outside of the gate which are stampeding toward the city at this moment". The receptionist said.

"OK, we will go do that right away". I said.

After we finished speaking to the receptionist, we headed outside of the Hunters Union, which took a few minutes since there were still a lot of people entering and exiting the Union.

"You go to the front lines first. I have got to do something before I go there". I said.

"Why can't I come with you?" Kasumi asked with an upset expression.

"Because you need to be at the front lines, so you can't come with me". I said with a cold expression.

"Fine, but you owe me a kiss after the fight". Kasumi said while pouting.

"No I don't". I said with a slightly cold expression.

Kasumi left toward the north, which was the front line of the attack, while I went west toward the Western Gate, which only took a few minutes, since most of the people in the city were either in the northern district or were hiding in their houses in the eastern and southern districts.

After entering a desolate spot near the western gate, I deactivated my human disguise skill, since I wouldn't be able to fight well with weakened stats, but I thought I might be able to find a skill which allowed me to stay in my real form without anyone recognizing me as the vampire princess.

"System, do you have any skill which allows people to not be able to recognize me with my current skill points?" I asked.

[Skill Points:  5,800]

[Recognition Inhibition] - A Low Rank Active Skill which allows the user to inhibit others from recognizing you. Skill won't work against opponents 3 ranks or higher than the user. (5,000 Skill Points)

"Guess this is the only useful skill I can get which will stop people from recognizing me". I said.

[Recognition Inhibition has been acquired]

I quickly activated Recognition Inhibition, which didn't have any penalty, so I liked it. I then headed toward the western gate.

I left the city through the western gate and headed toward the battle which was taking place in the north. I decided to attack from behind them, since it would be easier to kill them quicker.

For me to get behind them, I had to cross half of the Estois Mountain Range, since the valley they are attacking in is the valley I crossed when getting to Clonshire City.

I quickly crossed through the Estois Mountain Range, but was delayed a little by the monsters rampaging toward the valley.

After killing hundreds of rampaging monsters, I finally reached the valley. I activated Blood Scythe and coated it with Chaotic Aura, which should make no one able to recognize that I'm using the Blood Scythe Skill.

I slashed my Scythe at a snake-shaped monster, which killed it instantly. I then began to run through the monsters, swinging my scythe left and right, killing a few hundred F Rank monsters and demons in the process.

After a few minutes of killing the monsters, some of the more powerful monsters and demons noticed me slaying the weaker monster easily, so they decided to attack me.

Ten Mid Bronze Tier monsters begin their assault on me. I dodged all their attacks with minimal movement. It was now my turn to attack, so I slashed my scythe at one of them, which cleanly cut off his neck, killing him instantly.

The remaining 9 kept continuously attacking, which I dodged with ease. I finally got my chance to counterattack, so I activated Blood Flow Vision to find the opponent's heart and slashed my scythe, which cut through his heart, killing him in the process.

Now there were 8 remaining of the E Ranked monsters which were still continuously attacking but none a few of their attacks hit their mark.

After a minute of continuous dodging and counterattacking, I was able to kill the remaining 8, which I used to further increase my battle experience and battle intuition.

After finishing them off, I went back to slaying the weaker monsters and demons. Most of the monsters and demons attacking the city were from Low Bronze Tier and Mid Bronze Tiers monsters which, if there were a lot, could be more dangerous than a High Bronze Tier and Low Rank Silver Tier monster or demon combined.

After killing tens of thousands of Low Bronze Tier monsters and demons, the monsters and demons started to thin a little, which made me disappointed, since I spent a few minutes killing 10-20 per swing and it only thinned them out a little.

(Kasumi's POV)

I am fighting at the front lines where there are hundreds of thousands of monsters and demons attacking us continuously.

Lily left a while ago and I don't know where she is, but we are having a hard time holding off these monsters and demons with the amount of hunters we have left.

There are tens of thousands of monsters, demons, and hunters' corpses, which are constantly being run over by monsters, demons and hunters fighting each other.

I've killed a few thousand of them so far with my spirit, ice, and wind magic. I've almost run out of mana from casting magic constantly for the last 30 minutes.

Anyway, I hope Lily gets here soon, since I feel like she can end this battle for some reason.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now