Perpetual Punishment

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"There's no need to thank us; we serve you, so of course we will follow any order given by you."

"I'll let you play a game with them, like cat and mouse, but their power will be sealed, besides their speed and stamina."

"Sounds fun." Estella replied with excitement.

Within the spatial room, where the 175 humans and 5 vampires stood, a transparent hologram-like figure of Lily floated above them, gaining their attention.

"I'll give you a chance to regain your freedom. All you have to do is to not be caught, so good luck."

"What is she talking about?" 

They felt space moving as they soon appeared outside the spatial room in a clearing surrounded by green trees.

"Where am I?" One man asked out loud.

No one responded, so he looked behind him where his friend stood previously, finding that he was the only one in his line of sight.

"Where did everyone go? And why does my body feel weaker?"

He started walking through the forest, moving tree branches out of his way.

"The vampire goddess said we were playing a game similar to cat and mouse, and since I can't seem to use my mana, it seems we are the mouse, but who is the cat?"

"That would be me." A vaewolf found him and pounced on him, digging her fangs into his torso before he could react.

"Arghhh, a werewolf, no it can't be they may look similar, but I can tell they aren't." He felt his body shifting in different places, unable to move as the vaewolf let go of him, allowing his transformation to begin.

His body turned into a woman's before it began its last transformation into a vaewolf, keeping her human consciousness while being unable to control her body, like a puppet.

Knowledge of her race appeared in her head, informing her about her new race and other information.

'Shouldn't I have the mindset of a vaewolf? Why can't I control my body?' Questions filled his mind, followed by panic.

'This is your punishment; you'll live as a vaewolf with the consciousness of your human self, but your body will be controlled by your secondary consciousness, which is your vaewolf self.' Lily broadcast this message to all of the newly born vaewolves.'

'No, stop, please forgive me. I don't want to be a vaewolf or a woman.' He tried to beg his way out of his punishment.

'Too late now, so have fun living as a female vaewolf.'

* * *

Somewhere else in the forest, where the vaewolves haven't been to yet, was a beautiful vampire that Lily would recognize as Watanabe Kurenai.

"Seems like I was split up and my power was sealed. Let's see what Lily plans for this. I hope it is actually worth it."

The bushes next to her shook her a bit, so she turned her head in that direction, seeing a Vaewolf, but disregarded it as a weakling even if she was just using physical strength.

"Run along, little puppy." Kurenai tried to shoo it away.

It didn't listen, but instead jumped at her, trying to bite her, so she decided to kill it since it didn't take her advice.

When it was about to bite her, Kurenai vanished before appearing next to it, swinging her razor-sharp nails down at its neck.


Her attack dug deep into its skin, but it didn't die, and it turned its head, biting into Kurenai's arm.

"You will die for doing that."

She went for another swing with her free hand, but felt a sharp pain go through her body, which stopped her attack as she fell onto her knees.

"Why does my body feel so hot?"

She felt her body begin to distort as new parts began to grow while others disappeared, slowly transitioning her into a vaewolf.

Minutes passed, and her transition finished, leaving her unable to control her body like the others, but able to perceive everything, like how she could before.

She heard Lily's broadcast, informing her of her condition

'So I'm now her servant, and I can't do anything about it. Why did I have to go against someone who thought of such a punishment.' Some regret filled her heart as she knew this was not reversible. No matter what she tried, she would be the pet of Lily, someone whom she dispised forever as long as she didn't die.

'I forgot to mention to Kurenai that I have your vaewolf immortality, so you will be living as my pet and servant for eternity.'

'YOU.' She became very flustered after what Lily said.

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