Kasumi's Past (2): Training

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After looking through my stats for a little bit, I decided to show them to my mother. She looked at them for a while but didn't answer.

"Mother, what do you think of them?" I asked with a curious and cheerful expression.

"Your basic stats are rather high for a level 1 Kitsune Princess, which shows you have talent. As for your skills levels, they are almost double the level of a normal person". Kiyomi said with a little surprised expression.

"Thanks". I said with a meaningful smile.

"You still need to improve your body control, so focus more on improving your body control over the other skills you have for a few months, but make sure your still increasing your levels in your other skills". Kiyomi said with a smile.

"All right". I said with an optimistic expression.

"Go to the training hall and use the archer magic dummies to help with your body control". Kiyomi said with a gentle expression.

"OK thanks mother, I'll do that right away". I said with a smile while leaving.

I headed to the training hall, which held an open training room where you could train with everyone, as well as 10 private training rooms, so you could train alone.

After a few minutes of walking, I made it to the training hall and entered it. The training hall was mostly white, red, and grey with a wooden floor with humanoid magic dummies standing near a window which allowed light to pass into the train hall, lighting it up.

There were a few maids and servants training in the open training hall area, so I decided I would go and use a private training room, which is a little smaller than the open training hall.

"Good morning, my lady". The servants and maids called out while bowing a little.

"Good morning, I'll be using the private training room, so you can continue your training". I said with a smile.

After entering the private training room, it was the same as the open training hall, but a little smaller, which didn't bother me, since it was big enough for me to train all by myself.

I went over to the 20 magic dummies, which had a humanoid appearance, and activated them. I then set difficulty at level 5, which is 4 levels higher than my current level.

Having 20 magic dummies attack me will be difficult, but in the end it will be very beneficial to my growth if I can succeed in improving my body control.

After activating and setting the difficulty level to 6, I went over to the center of the training room and waited for the magic dummies to surround me.

It didn't take too long for them to surround me with their wooden bows in hand. They used bows and arrows since it was the most effective for body control training.

"Start". I yelled loud enough so the magic dummies could hear me.

They have a voice command, which allows the person training to command them by saying certain words.

All 20 bow wielding magic dummies took the initiative by shooting arrows instantaneously while controlling the arrow's movement with magic.


Soon all 20 arrows were right in front of me, so I pivoted my foot and slashed my katanas at the ones in front, which caused three arrows to be deflected.


I then used the momentum from the slash by once again pivoting my foot and redirecting the three arrows into three more arrows with my two katanas.


"Fire again, but this time do it every minute". I ordered the magic dummies.


20 more arrows came flying towards me at the same speed as the previous ones, which I once again deflected by pivoting my foot and redirecting them.

Every arrow which came into my attack range was redirected into another arrow, knocking out each and every arrow.

"Increase Speed". I ordered the magic dummies.

The speed of the arrows doubled, which made it made it harder, causing me to make precise and quick slashes to redirect each arrow.


One minute passed during this time, in which the magic dummies shot another 20 arrows going at the same speed as the 40 other arrows.

I then continued to redirect the arrows until I got hit, which was half an hour later with 600 arrows attacking me at once.

"Stop". I ordered the magic dummies, which they immediately listened to after bringing the arrows back to them.

*Huff— Huff— Huff!" I was now fully exhausted, so I payed down on my back on the ground while breathing heavily.

A maid walked up to me shortly after I payed myself down on the ground.

"Do you want some water?" Eito asked while looking down at me with a smile.

"Yes I would, thanks". I said with a smile.

"No problem". Eito said with a smile while pouring the cup of water into a glass.

Once she gave me the glass of water, I chugged down the whole glass since I was so thirsty.

"Do you know chugging down water like that is not how a princess should act right?" Eito said with a grin.

"Shut up, you know I'm your friend and I don't need to show etiquette around you". I said with a grin.

"True, but your still a princess". Eito said with a meaningful smile.

"Yeah, yeah I know". I said with a happy expression.

"Do you know your very abnormal with your fighting style, which includes both magic and katanas instead of just using one of them". Eito said with a smile.

"Yeah I do, but both have weaknesses, with magic users being weak in close combat and weapon users being weak at long range, so I decided to combine both of them, since it makes me have fewer weaknesses". I said with a serious expression.

"Normal people can only do one of those, not both, but you can do both, so be careful of the jealous people who think you should be killed for being abnormal". Eito said with a serious expression.

"I know". I said with a smile.

"That's good". Eito said with a smile.

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