Hot Spring

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There were many people enjoying their time in front of the bathhouse. Everyone seemed to be wearing a bathrobe with kids playing around with happy smiles on their faces. There were some small shops and a map which displayed the layout of the inn.

We soon came in front of the right bathhouse, which had a bright red sign above it that said [Woman's Bath]. Since this was a public bathhouse, the baths would naturally be divided between male and female baths, with the men's bathhouse on the left and the women's bathhouse on the right.

"Enjoy yourselves now, your dinner will be ready by the time you return to your room". The waitress said while handing us a basket that held towels and other items and bowed before leaving to go back to her duties.

"Thanks". Kasumi said with a smile and grabbed my hand, while leading us into the woman's bathhouse.

We soon entered a large changing room, which had wooden lockers lining the walls for clothes and paper lanterns lightening up the room enough to see clearly.

There were all sorts of women there with some young girls, teens, and adults getting changed and exiting the door with a sign above it that said [Bath].

We found an open locker that had a key on it and began changing, which only took a few minutes. We then put our clothes in the locker and locked them before exiting the changing room, while I stored our locker key into my space storage.

The bath was gorgeous with tatami floors lining the bath and small beautiful gardens near the wall surrounding the bath.

I walked to the pool and slowly began getting in before I was stopped by Kasumi with a confused expression on my face.

"You should tie your hair into a bun, so your hair doesn't get messed up from the water". Kasumi said while grabbing my shoulder with a blushed face.

"Oh OK, can you tie my hair then, since I don't know how to do that". I said with an embarrassed expression.

"Yeah I can". Kasumi said with a smile.

Kasumi undid my pony tail, and began skillfully tying my hair.

"Thanks". I said with a smile.

Kasumi then tied her own hair. After she finished, we started looking for an open place to enter and entered the hot spring.

The water was warm, which relaxed our muscles and stress, but we got many stares of jealousy directed at us from the woman in the bath, which we didn't mind much.

"Now that I can see your bare body without any clothes covering your body, I can see that you have a flawless figure, pretty skin, and you're very cute. You are very blessed to be such a flawless beauty, which would make any girl jealous".  Kasumi said loud enough for many woman to hear with a flushed face.

Murmur! Murmur!

Many women who heard Kasumi began to whisper about my flawless beauty and cuteness with jealously in their eyes, but soon turned to look at Kasumi with similar reactions since she was also very beautiful.

"Do you have to say that out loud?" I said while blushing.

"I should hate being called cute, but lately I have been starting to like it a bit, which makes it even worse". I thought to myself internally.

She could see my embarrassment, so she decided to get closer to me while wrapping her hand around my waist, showing the onlookers that we were lovers.

I soon got over being called cute, but this time I was a little more vigilant against Kasumi since I didn't want her to embarrass me even further.

"Why so alert, It's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything, I'm just calling you cute". Kasumi said while looking at me.

"Stop calling me cute". I said while facing downward and pouting.

"I can't help it, you're just too cute". Kasumi said with a gentle expression.

"Even if I complain, you won't stop right". I asked her with a pleading expression.

"Yep". Kasumi said with truthful expression.

"I'm starting to like being called cute from being called it so many times now , so there is no point in stopping now anyway, since I'll probably like it soon and even if you stopped, then I would still be called cute by others". I said with an accepting expression.

"You changed from not wanting it to accepting it very quickly. Why is that?" Kasumi asked with a quizzical expression.

"I like it, but I hate it at the same time". I said, while looking downward.

"Your confusing". Kasumi said with a smile.

"Well I didn't like being called cute since I was a human male previously, but I am now more used to it, allowing me to accept the fact that I am truly cute, but I still slightly dislike it, even though it won't change anything". I said while puffing out my cheeks.

"I see, I hope you like me calling you cute, since I do and I won't stop", Kasumi said before pressing her lips against mine.

I was tensed at first, but then loosened up a few seconds later, deepening the kiss even further, but this time she decided to take it further by licking the inside of my mouth.

"Do you feel better now?" Kasumi asked with a red face.

"Yeah thanks, but why does this inn seem so different to the others I've seen?" I asked with a curious expression.

"This Inn was made from the combined efforts of the royal families, which wanted an inn for both the rich and the poor". Kasumi said with a smile.

"That makes sense why it's so professional compared to others I've seen". I said with a smile.

"True". Kasumi said with a relaxed expression.

I got out of the hot spring and went to a small basket and grabbed a towel and a bucket of clean water.

"Want me to wash your hair and back?" I asked while looking at her.

"Sure, I'll do yours afterwards". Kasumi replied while jumping on the edge of the hot spring, so when she untied her hair it wouldn't be soaked in the hot spring water, which was bad for hair.

I began washing her back with some difficulty, but quickly got the hang of it. The same thing happened with cleaning her hair, but it was not as hard, which went quicker and smoother.

" You're a quick learner for being able to figure out how to wash me the right way that quickly". Kasumi said with a smile before trading positions with me and began cleaning my back.

After a few minutes of cleaning my back, she was finished, so we entered the bath once again and continued to relax for an hour until we finally felt satisfied.

"Guess we should go get some dinner". Kasumi said while feeling relieved from the hot spring.

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