Isamu's Father

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I meditated for 9 hours before deciding to sleep, since even though I'm a vampire, I still require rest, but not on a daily basis like humans, so I chose to sleep at night, as I did as a human.


After an hour of sleep, I awoke feeling slightly more rejuvenated than usual, which I attributed to cultivating my chaos attunement.

[Chaos Attunement Tier 2 (13%)]

"It improved by a decent amount in 9 hours, but at my current rate, I estimate it to take 12 days to reach Tier 3." I thought to myself.

I started pondering how I could speed up my meditation speed till I came up with a solution.

"Since mana is formed by the world converting chaotic mana into an impure version that is much calmer and simpler to utilize by living beings, I should be able to increase my meditation if I absorb chaotic mana, which is the purest form of mana but is chaotic." With a pleasant smile on my face, I pondered.

I entered my mana realm and made my way to the chaos island, where I sat in the middle and began meditating by circulating chaotic mana.


After 15 minutes, I noticed that it had increased little, so I decided to see by how much I did.

[Chaos Attunement Tier 2 (14.5%)]

With the ability to obtain 0.1 percent every minute, it will take roughly 14 hours, which is far faster than I anticipated.

After finishing my meditation, changing my clothing, and straightening my hair, I exited my room.

(Isamu Takao's POV)

I found myself back in my room in the Takao Family Mansion. I looked left and right and saw five beautiful women laying next to me on my 9-person bed, which my parents purchased since they didn't want to have to keep buying beds as I accumulated more women.

When I got up, I saw that my neck was in a lot of pain, which was followed by memories from the previous day.

"Oww, those bitches deserve to be mine. I'll use everything I have simply to get them, and then I'll punish them for what they did to me by forcing them to fall madly in love with me." I muttered, a sadistic smirk on my face.

Before saying anything, a servant entered the room and bowed.

"Good morning, young master; your father has requested your presence." After bowing, a servant said.

Isamu Takao used to have a female maid, but his father gave him male servants instead of female ones since he use to sexually assaulted his maids.

Before bowing again and leaving the room, he moved over to the bed and prepared breakfast for the young master and his five wives.

"What does he need now?" As I hurriedly ate my breakfast before travelling to my father's location, I said.

I strolled through the halls of my family's mansion, which was stunning due to its use of expensive and rare materials.

I quickly entered my father's chambers, where he sat at his wooden desk, surrounded by many pictures and papers, among other things.

My father stood roughly 193.04cm tall (6ft 4). His blazing red spiky short hair, amber eyes, and tan skin set him apart. He wore a white and black suit and had a muscular build but wasn't entirely jacked.

"So you went after two more beautiful women and got what you deserved." I noticed some mockery in Mosu Takao's statements, despite his calm expression.

"So, because I'm showing mercy, why should they not only reject my offer but also call me a slut and hit me?" Isamu Takao expressed his displeasure.

"Do you realize how much trouble you cause our family by constantly fighting the young mistress of the Aikawa Family because you are head over heels in love with her, causing innocent civilians to become involved and killed in your constant fights, but that's not all, you also go after other women as if they are your possession and when they resist you use my men or hire someone else to kidnap the woman for you?" Mosu Takao muttered, his voice beginning to swell with rage.

"I deserve to be with all the beautiful women I want." Isamu Takao remarked, ignoring his father's assertions.

"Since you don't seem to mind, I'll have your younger sister inherit the mansion instead of you." With a solemn attitude, Mosu Takao stated.

"You can't do that, Father; as your oldest son and only son , I am the only rightful heir; why would you leave the mansion to my sister?" With his blood vessels bulging and his anger growing, Isamu Takao remarked.

"I'll give you an opportunity; if you choose to pursue those women and cause further difficulty, you will not be the next heir; however, if you don't pursue those women and stop fighting the Aikawa Family's young mistress, I will offer you a chance to become the next heir." With a solemn expression on his face, Mosu Takao stated.

I stormed out of the room, furious, and went to a room devoid of people.

"My sister can't become an heir, his threat won't work on me; instead, I'll go after those women and punish them the way I intended, since I have the power to do so." As his wicked grin reappeared, Isamu Takao muttered to himself.

(Mosu Takao's POV)

"Seems like he thinks his sister can't be the next heir because typically men, not women, are the next heirs, but I get to choose who becomes my heir, and his sister will be the next heir if he disobeys me." I muttered, his face solemn.

"Harris go tell Aina, that I need to speak with her." Mosu Takao said to the servant outside of the room.

"Yes master." Harris said as bowed and went to follow his orders.

A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door, which followed by a beautiful woman entering.

The woman stood at 173.736cm(5ft 7) tall. She wore a lovely blue dress that reached down to her waist and had fiery red hair, pretty amber eyes, a slim figure, medium sized breasts.

"Yes, father, what is it that you need of me?" Aina Takao walked in with a bright smile on her face.

"You'll be the next rightful heir if your brother pursues any more women or causes any more trouble." I stated it with a smile on my face.

"That's great, but he's still causing trouble" Aina Takao expressed her displeasure.

With a serious expression on my face, I responded, "Yeah."

"He needs to mature, but if he doesn't, I'll gladly accept the position of heir." With a solemn expression on her face, Aina Takao said.

"All right, that's it. That's all I wanted to talk to you about." I stated it with a smile on my face.

"Okay." As she walked away, Aina Takao replied cheerfully.

"She has a lively personality, yet she doesn't cause any difficulty, and I believe she can be a fine heir with adequate training." I muttered to myself.

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