Trial And Execution?

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A day passed.

Today was the day when the trial was supposed to take place within the king's throne room, so Sylvar got dressed as he would partake in the trial.

Half an hour later, Sylvar entered the throne room and bowed before the king and queen, sitting on their thrones.

"Thanks for coming, Sylvar."

"It's my duty to attend the student's trial as they were under my care." Sylvar responded.

Sylvar got up and stood to the side and waited for the trial to begin.

A few minutes later,

The doors to the throne room opened as two people in chains and cuffs walked in, with four men pushing them forward from behind.

They brought them in front of the king and queen before chaining them to a pole and placing a slave seal on their chest, so when they lied they would be electrocuted, which would be visibly seen by the ones in the room.

"Now let's begin with the trial immediately." The king summoned a wooden judge hammer.

"Toyotomi Daichi, did you collude with the vampires in order to get rid of Tadashi Akira?"

"Yes, I did, and I'm glad I did it."

The slave crest on his chest didn't electrocute him, which meant his statement was true.

"Did you use your family's power so only Tadashi Akira could take that mission?"

"Yes, can we get on with this?"

No response from the curse seal.

"Last question, what was your reason for colluding with the vampires?"

"You're really asking this question? Seriously? My reason is simple: I just wanted him out of my life and to take Kurenai as my wife, but since her family are vampires, I gave up on that dream. So can you kill me now?"

His slave seal didn't light up.

"Now for Ito Daisuke, did you also collude with those vampires and help Toyotomi Daichi?"

"No, why would I help him?"

The curse seal lit up and electrocuted him.


"Since you colluded with them, what was your reason?"

"Why would I collude with them? I would never collude with such monsters."

His cursed seal lit up again and electrocuted him.

"I hereby hand down my verdict. I find Toyotomi Daichi and Ito Daisuke guilty of high treason and I sentence them to death."

"Finally, I get to leave this world." Toyotomi Daichi remarked.

Unlike Toyotomi Daichi, Ito Daisuke didn't want to die and was crying, forming a pool of tears underneath and begging for forgiveness.

"Their execution will be carried out immediately. We'll send these sinners to the public execution platform, where they'll be beheaded for their crimes."


"Kill the traitors." Many citizens in the crowd were cheering as they were placed on the guillotine.

The guards placed them in the guillotine and held onto the rope, which kept the blade from decapitating their heads while waiting for orders from the king.

The king held up his hand, signaling them to prepare to release the rope.

"Die, you traitors deserve death." The audience kept shouting.

The king swiped his hand downwards as the guards released the rope, letting the blade fall onto the necks of the two criminals.


Before the blade could reach the necks of the two criminals, they were stopped in mid-air, which confused everyone.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I think my little sister should be the one punishing these two." Kimiko said as she pinched her fingers, which turned the blades into dust.

"Goddess Kimiko, I hate to ask, but what is the reason you think your little sister should be the one punishing these two criminals when it didn't involve her?"

"You probably heard the news about the new vampire princess, right?"

"Yes, but how does it have to do a throng with this?"

"Tadashi Akira was reborn as the vampire princess, Utsukush no Lilly, and she is my little sister, so I think she is the one who should be punishing them."

"So not only was he turned into a vampire, but a vampire princess and a woman at that." Toyotomi Daichi began laughing manically.

"Shouldn't she be on our enemies' side since she is a vampire?"

"No, she hates the vampire queen as much as I do."

"Alright, since you're the Creation Goddess, I accept your proposal and these two offenders will be punished by your sister, guards take them back to their cells."

"There's no need; I can just imprison them in a small dungeon I have, since they may try to escape during the war."

"You have my gratitude. Guards release them from the guillotine and hand them over to her."

The guards followed orders and handed them over to Kimiko, where they were put in her spatial dungeon.

"Now since that is done, I'll be taking my leave. Goodbye." Kimiko vanished out of thin air after waving.

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