Full Acceptance

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"If you can consume me, why can't I consume you?" With a puzzled gaze, I inquired of Aalka.

"You are the last vestige of your human self, and your vampire self is your true self, which means it can consume you, but you can't consume it because it would kill you." With a solemn expression, Aalka stated.

"You speak to my vampire self in third person, which means you're simply my vampire self's personality and haven't fully merged, as you stated previously." I said this while staring sternly at her.

"I-I fully integrated with your vampire side, so you won't be able to consume me." With a terrified expression on her face, Aalka said.

"You're stuttering, which implies you're lying." with a chilly expression, I said.

"How she she develop such keen perception abilities?" With a cold sweat running down her spine, Aalka pondered internally.

"No I'm not." Aalka stated calmly.

I crouched down directly in front of her and stated at her coldly.

"With us being partially connected due to you taking on my vampire self's personality, I can predict your thoughts." I said this while lifting her chin and looking her in the eyes.

"If you can predict what I'm thinking, why can't I?" Aalka asked, her face filled with curiosity.

"You're a Soul Demon from the soul realm that only took over the personality of my vampire side, thus you couldn't predict my thoughts because you're an exterior being." With a cold glare, I said.

"I see." With a understanding expression, Aalka said.

"Stop pretending to be someone you're not; I know you're simply a little girl on the inside who slaughtered your family with lustful methods, became a Succubus, and was condemned to hell for years before Hades converted you into a Soul Demon." I stated this while leaning my head against my hand and giving her a chilly stare.

"It wasn't my fault; my family compelled me." With a solemn expression, Aalka stated.

"That is merely an excuse you devised to ease the shame you felt for doing so." I said, my gaze fixed on her.

"But it's true." Aalka said with tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"You were a monster, just like the executioners said, but now you're trying to return to the material world and redeem yourself, but you're still a monster, especially with having to kill more just to return to the material world." I stated without remorse.

"Your lying, I'm not a monster those humans who killed me are monsters." Aalka said with tears dripping down her cheeks.

"As you said previously, A monster is still a monster even if they deny it. They may appear human, launch, smile, and rejoice, but is their existence really exterminated? No, in the end, they're still a monster." I said with a cold glare.

"Stop, it's not true, I'm not a monster, you're just trying to deceive me like the others." While sobbing, Aalka said.

"It's no surprise Hades exiled you to the soul world; you're selfish and play the victim, with no regard for anyone else's suffering; you're even willing to kill another person simply to be free." With a stern glare, I said.

"Stop, I didn't do anything, I was coerced, and I was judged incorrectly." With more tears streaming down her face, Aalka said.

"You weren't coerced; you believed it was a good idea to r*pe and kill your family, but that's not the worst of it; you also did it to other families to make up for what you did to your own." I stated categorically.

"Stop, I-I did nosuch t-thing." With tears still streaming down her cheeks, Aalka murmured with red and puffy eyes.

"With your willpower on the point of crumbling, I'll end your life to prevent a plague like you from spreading." With a sarcastic grin, I said.

"No, you can't kill me entirely, and if you kill me, I'll come back and kill Kasumi." While beginning to regain her loss willpower, Aalka said.

"I never said I'd kill you the way you believe I did, and sure, you'll be entirely destroyed with no trace of you left." With a stern glare, I said.

"That's preposterous; there should be no way of killing me without enabling me to return." Aalka was taken aback.

"I suppose you never learned everything that a inner demon should know, which is fine because it makes things easier." With a mocking look, I said.

"Since you're my vampire side's personality, what do you suppose would happen if I accepted my vampire side?" I expressed myself solemnly.

"It won't kill your inner self, but it will kill me; how could I not know this?" With a terrified expression on her face, Aalka murmured.

"Why would Hades inform a monster like you how to be purged from existence, when he wants you removed?" With a scornful grin, I said.

"You can't do that, I-I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die." Aalka began repeating the same phrases over and over, tears running down her cheeks, indicating that her mind had been broken.

"Now that your mind is broken, I'll accept my vampire side to keep Kasumi safe and avoid dealing with a monster like you again." As I embraced Aalka's body, I whispered.

"Do you accept being a vampire who drinks the blood of the living as food." Vampire thoughts

"I accept." I said.

"Do you accept that you are the daughter of the most despised being by the humans?" Vampire thoughts.

"I accept." I said.

"Do you accept your current situation and will not attempt to alter it?" Vampire thoughts.

"I accept." I said.

"Finally, do you genuinely embrace yourself as the vampire princess, the Vampire Queen's daughter?" Vampire thoughts.

"I accept." I said.

[Now that the host has accepted her true self, host has now met the requirement to evolve; the host will now enter a slumbered state to begin this process.]

I witnessed Aalka's body convert into energy particles before they began to assimilate and into my body before I fell into a slumbered state.

After Lily fell asleep, the mana surged around her before splitting apart into small fibers that wrapped her into a cocoon.

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