Kiyomi's Return

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"Yes, my goddess." Fiona walked over and kneeled in front of me before getting up.

I handed her a palm-sized tool that was thinner than paper, saying, "Attach this to the back of your hand."

Fiona took the tool, attached the tool to the back of her hand, and it dissolved into her hand like sugar dissolving in a glass of water.

I then handed her an empty wine glass, saying, "Now pour mana to where you placed the tool, and think of filling this wine glass."

Fiona did as she was told her and poured mana into the tool while thinking of this wine glass being filled with blood.

Seconds later, it was filled with blood, but it didn't overflow.

"Can these work with other liquids besides blood?" King Akhazar enquired.

"Yeah, it could, but it needs the creator to have the ability to generate the said liquid and to be able to infuse that ability into objects."

"Could you manufacture them for us?"

"No, but I'll at least give you the details on how to make it."

I flicked my finger, sending a small white orb of light towards the king's forehead, which he didn't try to dodge or block as he knew this wasn't a threat to him.

"Mmmhhh." The king groaned in agony as the information was being implanted into his mind.

I waited a few minutes for him to recover and look through the information implanted in his mind before he looked at me again.

"I agree to all your terms and will have all four kingdoms declare the peace treaty between the humans and vampires."

We hand-shaked, confirming that it was official: humans and vampires now had a peace treaty between them.

"Thank you; I'll teleport you to your castle, and I will arrive in a few hours as I have a few things to attend to."

"Alright." He said, before I teleported him to his castle along with the queen and the two headmasters.

I stood up and looked at the royal vampires, saying, "Go inform everyone of the peace treaty between the vampires and humans. If anyone decides to rebel, kill them on the spot."

"Yes, my goddess." The royal vampires bowed before leaving to inform everyone about the goddess's declaration.

I looked at Kiyomi with her cold crimson eyes.

"Come closer, Kiyomi."

"Yes, my goddess." Kiyomi came closer until she was within arms reach.

I placed my hand on her forehead and infused chaos into her, attempting to erase something that was clouding her mind.


Minutes passed and Kiyomi's eyes changed from being cold, seeming to have no life in them, to lively, regaining the life in her eyes that she had before turning into a vampiric kitsune.

After the cloudiness within her was erased, I pulled my hand away from her forehead and looked at her.

"Is that you, Kasumi?" Kiyomi asked, with tears forming in her eyes.

"Yes, are you back?" Kasumi jumped into her embrace, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Yes, I am back, and it was all thanks to Lily."

Kasumi turned her head, looking at me. "Thank you for saving my mother."

'I'm your wife, so of course I'll do everything I can to make you happy."


They continued hugging for a few hours, not letting go the entire time.

Kimiko came up to me and asked telepathically. 'Why didn't you revert her body to its former self?'

'I didn't because it was what Kiyomi requested with her own free will to stay as a vampiric kitsune, which I'm assuming is her way of punishing herself for failing to be there for her daughter.'

'That's nice of you to appreciate her wishes, even though they may be selfish.'

"Stop, you are making me embarrassed." I blushed as I turned my head to avoid eye contact.

'You are so cute when you're embarrassed.'

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now