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I awoke refreshed and sat up, looking at Kasumi, who was still sleeping, but her injuries appeared to have healed, so I let her sleep.

I got out of bed and proceeded into the room's bathroom, where I removed my clothes and stored them in my storage space before tying my hair into a bun. I turned on the magical tool at the end of the tub that filled the tub with hot water and waited for it to fill up.

I saw some bath bombs beside the tub after it had filled up, so I picked one with a pleasant aroma and dropped it in. The water began to fizz and bubble, and the bath bomb gradually dissolved into the water, leaving the water with bubbles and a pleasant aroma.

I added some essential oils to the water to provide additional benefits. There was Epsom salt, which is beneficial to the body, but I didn't use it because I had [Sanitized Metabolism].

After that, I went into the bath and rested my head against the tub's rim, closed my eyes, and began to relax.

"Sigh." I let out a sigh of relief.


15 minutes later, I got out of the tub, drained it, and dried off before putting on a bath robe that I found next to the tub.

"That felt great." I muttered as I washed my clothes with soap and water before drying them with fire magic.

I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Kasumi sitting up with a fatigued look in her eyes, and said "You can get some more sleep if you want."

When she saw me in a bathrobe, she blushed and said, "I'm alright, just a little fatigued, which should go away shortly after taking a bath."

"Alright." I said as I sat in bed Kasumi got up and entered the bathroom.

Kasumi had a 15-minute bath, just like I did, but she then showered to remove any remaining oils on her skin, something I would have done if I didn't have [Sanitized Metabolism].

She soon walked out of the bathroom in a red and white bathrobe that outlined her figure.

"You look beautiful." I said with a smile as she walked towards me.

"Thanks." Kasumi replied as she sat next to me on my bed, and we cuddled.


We sat in this manner for an hour as Kasumi's hair needed to dry, and we don't cuddle too much as we're usually hunting, training, meditating, or sleeping.

"We should probably get going since we have a long way to go until we arrive to Strikver Port." I said as I got out of bed.

"That's true, although it was enjoyable." Kasumi said, her cheeks bright with a smile.

"It was." I said as I walked into the bathroom.

I was about to close the door after entering the bathroom when it was stopped by a slender hand, so I opened it and found Kasumi.

"Can I change with you? We're both women, so it shouldn't be an issue, especially since we've seen each other naked before." Kasumi asked, her eyes wide as she gazed at me calmly.

"Sure." I blushed and moved to allow her to enter.

I shut the door, before we both pulled clean clothes from our space storage.

"Can I put your clothing on for you, and if you like, you can do the same?" Kasumi asked, a blush creeping across her cheeks.

"Sure." I blushed, but accepted because I had much trust in her.

Kasumi was on the verge of jumping with joy, but she restrained herself.

I handed her my clothes and she began putting them on, first with the panties, then the bra, and last the dress, which was the most difficult.

"Thanks, I'll put yours on now." I turned around with a smile on my face and a slight blush on my face.

"Okay." Kasumi said, her face reddened, with an excited smile.

I put on her panties, bra, and kimono, which wasn't difficult as I had previously wore a yukata, which is a type of kimono.

"Finished." I said, so she turned around and looked at me.

"Thanks." As I nodded, Kasumi added with a smile.

"Did you have anything to eat?" I inquired with a smile.

"Yeah, I ate while you were bathing." Kasumi said as she picked up both of our used bathrobes.

"The woman at the front desk said we could keep our bathrobes." I said, recalling what the receptionist had said.

"Alright, here then." Kasumi Kasumi said, handing me the bathrobe I was wore.

"Thanks." I said this as I put my bathrobe away, and she did the same with hers.

"All right, then, let's go." Kasumi said as she joined arms with me.

We left the inn shortly after and heard some commotion nearby, which I didn't want to be a part of but Kasumi did, so we walked over to see what the commotion was all about.

We soon discovered a gathering encircling two people, one a man and the other a lady, both dressed in farmer's clothing.

"How come we can't buy fruit? You're the only fruit store in town that sells good quality fruit." A man in the audience yelled angrily.

"Yeah, why can't we?" Another commented.

"I'm sorry, but the fields were destroyed by what appears to be a fight between powerful beings, as the farming land is either burnt to ash or charred and blood stains all over, so if you don't believe me, I'll show you." As he lifted his hand to calm the gathering, the male farmer stated with earnestness.

"Fine, we'll let you show us, but you'd best pay if you're lying." A man said as the majority of the crowd agreed.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang