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(Kasumi's POV)

I kept fighting Aalka, despite my stamina and mana drying out and Aalka's power increasing to the point that I'm only able to deflect a few of her strikes, each one causing my bones creak from the pressure on the verge of shattering.

Deep and shallow wounds strewn throughout my body; yakuta torn, revealing my bloodied skin; katanas shattered, leaving small shards on the battlefield; crators formed as a result of the conflict.

Despite all of this, I was still hanging on for dear life, waiting for Lily to break through the wall preventing her from returning, because I had faith in her to make it out alive and well in the end.

I now stood in the wilderness with a defensive stance. My clothes were practically falling off, my wounds were so deep that they exposed the bones, and chaotic mana enveloped and expanded the wounds. Only one katana remained, with small fractures along the blade that were barely holding together thanks to my mana slowly repairing it while protecting it from incoming attacks.

The only thing keeping me from giving up was Lily, so I kept fighting through every wound I received, every time my clothes were torn, every time my bones were on the verge of breaking, because with every attack I landed, I could infuse one small photon of [Nature Aura] into her, brightening the darkness around her and bringing her to the light.

"Why don't you just surrender? You're running out of stamina and mana even with your [Natural Art] skill activated." Aalka began to persuade Kasumi since she was sick of her being attacked repetitively without dying.

"Why would I surrender to such a lowly succubus as you?" As I grinned at her, blood dripped down the corner of my mouth.

"Damn, you truly believe in her." Aalka stated this as she flung her arm forward in an attempt to grab my head.



I barely deflected her attack and was forced back a few meters, but another small crack formed along my blade, putting further strain on the green aura radiating along the blade to repair the crack.

She redirected her arm once again, this time aiming for my spine, which I evaded by leaning forward and kicking towards her abdomen, but my kick had little power due to my near-empty stamina and strength.

She caught my leg and slammed her elbow into the back of my calf at speeds barely visible to the naked eye.


My leg slammed into the ground, creating a small crater, but I was forced to kneel due to the intensity of the impact, which fractured my leg.

With my life still intact, Aalka kicked my spine with a strong force again, propelling me forward.


My back was on the verge of breaking, but it held on.

Aalka disappeared from her spot and appeared beneath me, kicking at my abdomen.


I coughed out a mouthful of blood.

The force of her kick flung me upward, but she wasn't done yet, so she disappeared and reappeared above me with her foot above my head, resulting in a falling axe kick to the back of my head.



I was now lying on the ground in a massive crater created by the force of the crash, with various shattered bones and injuries strewn throughout my body, yet I was still clinging to life.

"You're still alive, huh? Your vitality and willpower are astounding; I'm astonished you've made it this far." With a surprised but sadistic grin, Aalka remarked.

"I don't need your praise, cough, cough." I said it in a shaky voice.

"Some of my ribs seem to be broken, but they don't seem to have ruptured my lungs, so I should be fine for the time being." I thought to myself.

"So you still able to speak even in your state?" Aalka said while licking her lips with a seductive grin.

"I~Gahh." Kasumi was interrupted when Aalka slammed her foot into her abdomen.

"There's no need to talk since I'll be killing you soon." With a wicked grin, Aalka said.

Aalka activated [Chaos Blade] and transformed it into a scalpel, slicing Kasumi's tendons and appendages while ensuring she felt every ounce of pain.

"Seeing people with strong wills shatter before they die gives me the most pleasure, which is why I torture my prey." With a sadistic grin, Aalka said, blissfully licking her lips.

Kasumi recognized that if she continued torturing her at this rate, her will would break, so she began to seal off the pain and close off her mind, defending her mind over her body, because losing her will would be the same as dying.

(Aalka's POV)

I continued torturing Kasumi, but I eventually stopped hearing her scream, which seemed strange given that she was still alive, so I decided to investigate.

Because her eyes were distinctive, I investigated her for a few minutes before coming to a conclusion.

"Oh, that makes sense; she shut off her mind so her will wouldn't break; damnit, now I won't be able to hear her agonizing cries; oh well, I guess I'll kill her and find someone else to torture." I expressed her dissatisfaction.

I converted the chaos scalpel into a dagger and thrusted it towards her neck, but my arm came to a halt inches from her neck, suspended in mid-air.

I tried to move it forward, but my arm remained suspended, not moving an inch, like a puppeteer stopping the movement of his or her puppet. I felt like the puppet being controlled by a puppeteer.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें