Chapter 5: Avalon

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The food smelt amazing. Variety of choices laid in front of me. Chicken, salads, vegetables, even things I didn't know were. As we paced around the dishes, I took in small portions of each thing, while everyone else took in larger portions. The three of them laughed over conversations I yet to understand, but I sat amused by the stories they had to tell.

"How's the food?" Josh asked from beside. I finished the carrot I had previously placed in my mouth.

"Delicious," I smiled, then looked over at his father, "thank you."

"I can't take all the credit, you help," he reminded, smiling back.

"She did?" his mother butt in.

"Yes, she's a natural, considering it was her first lesson," his father's voice filled with slight pride.

"She seems to be settling in nicely," her tone is sharp, sending a shock wave to everyone.

"Mom!" Josh's voice filled with anger, as I kept focused on my plate, not bothering eating.

"She can't just come here and act like this is her home!" she paused for a second, "she can't replace her! She-.."

"That's enough!" his fathers voice filled the house, deep with anger, quitting her, with everyone else. "She's not replacing anyone, she's been nothing but nice to everyone-.."

"She barely even speaks. Just nods her head," her voice is firm.

"Mother!" Josh says, going to say something else but his father shuts him down. I shut down, blocking out the noise for a few minutes, until finally standing up.

"May I be excused?" my throat closed, as I kept back the tears.

"Of course,'' Josh's voice is calmer than it was before, sending a slight sense of relief for a brief second while walking away to the stairway.

Laying down on the bed, my mind raced. What did she mean? Who was I replacing? What had I done to make her not like me? The thoughts pained me as I crawled up to the pillow, looking up to the roof. It was filled with vines, roses, and sunflowers. I flowed a vine through my eyes, as I watched it go from one end of the room to the other. It danced in circles branching off more and more at random.

"Ava?" a raspy voice startled me. I looked outside, the sun had finished setting, then over to the voice. Josh sat beside me in my bed. How long had he been there? His green eyes hid behind pain and worry, as a gloss slowly arise.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Never better," I joked, laying back down.

"Can I-?" I looked up, realizing he was pointing beside me. I nodded in response, as he came and laid beside me. The scent of him filled my senses, as his warmth passed through the space between us, onto my arm.

"What was she talking about?" I asked, as the question never left my mind.

"Huh?" his voice filled with confusion, as he turned to look at me, for I felt his eye on me.

"Who can't I replace?" Another moment of silence passed, "who is she?"

"My sister," his voice had no emotion, but a sensation of pain seemed to have been released.

"You have a sister?"

"Had a sister."

"Oh," I stayed silent for a moment, "was this her room?"

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