Chapter 14: Avalon

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The next few weeks went the same. I spent my mornings yet again in the little nook in the room. Reading book after book. Writing as well in the little notebook that hides in the desk.

Josh worked every day. Leaving every day at seven in the morning. I heard his creep inside the door, as I laid partly asleep in the bed. He only stayed for a few minutes, checking on the ticking time bombs of my dreams. Or nightmares that came a few times more, scaring me to sleep alone. Though the good dreams were light. They showed the dream of freedom.

Up in the forest of his eyes. So peaceful. So calming. As the trees allowed the light of the sun gleamed down. Sparkling the mist that laid close to the ground. As he stood in the middle of the forest. His black hair was his everyday messy style, his stubble showed off his jaw line that he definitely has, as it compliments his eyes. Those beautiful, forest green eyes. His lips were a soft pink. A few rough patches laid across, though the thought of them on mine thinks of them as gentle, soft, light.

As I walked closer, taking in the sight of this boy that was way out of my league, I pictured the tattoo on his rib, how deep those words say, 'Beyond the stars, in front of the clouds.' His eyes examined my body. For no more cuts, and bruises covered my skin. As my natural beauty showed through the white dress. The floral lace fabric fit lightly around, as the bottom flowed above my knees. The front came down to the middle of my chest, as the back was low on my back. Down to my shoes of white converse, cushioned from the soft moss of the natural floor. The dress matched his own choice of clothing. As he wore a white dress shirt with a black tie. His pants were plain black, that was held up with a black leather belt with a golden metal plate at the front. Below he wore black leather dress shoes, that comforted the rest of his look. As his wrist wore a watch, it was silver, with the buttons and hands made of gold, and the back was black.

His smile on his face was like no other. Soft dimples formed on his cheeks, flattering his white smile-...

Too much. I can't think of him like that. Can I? But what if he doesn't think the same as me. Stop it Avalon. it's just some stupid crush, on some stupid boy. A hot, kind, perfect stupid boy. No, stop it. I sighed, shaking my head into my hands. It's been a week. A week with him constantly in my head. He managed to squeeze into this crazy, teenaged, hormonal brain. Dang it.

I walked into the bathroom, looking into the mirror. My hair was yet again in a messy bun. A messier bun than what I originally started with. I took off the hoodie that I wore, leaving me in a plain white t-shirt, and shorts that covered comfortably around the small curves of my body. The trauma to my skin had faded tremendously. The ones visible to my face were barely a story to tell, as well as the cut to my lip. My limbs gained some redness, discoloring the amount of black and blue that came to be so visible against my pale skin, along with the hand print to my neck. The no longer pain with every stretch felt comfortable, for the more I wanted to move. I had also noticed a slight change in weight. As I no longer look so thin, and bone like, though it still showed those characteristics.

A knock came from the bedroom door, catching me off guard. I quickly threw back on my hoodie, checking to see who it was. Josh? It was Josh. I checked the time on the alarm clock by the bed, he was home early.

"Josh? What are you doing home so early," I asked surprised. Though the lack of long pants seems to have caught him off guard. I was thankful for putting the hoodie back on.

"Did you forget?" he said, with a smile on his face. Always with that smile.

"I think so."

"We are getting your stitches out today," he chuckled, "or at least getting them checked."

He leaned out of the doorway, taking a step into the room. Still keeping his eyes on me. I saw a small glance up and d0wn, realizing he was looking up and down at me. The blood rushed into my cheeks, along with my body heating up in embarrassment.

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