Chapter 11: Avalon

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The time went by fast, as story after story came and went. The love. The hate. The deaths, and surviving. One after another. As the true love came strong within one another between the characters, the time had me in the beginning; for I was one of them. Was he with me in this as well?

    As hours went by, Josh's father, or now that I think of it, Mr.Hayes, came by every so often. Once bringing in a lunch to enjoy together.

    "How's the reading going?" he asked, placing down plates of fruits and sandwiches.

    "Wonderful, can't put it down at times," I smiled, placing a bookmark in the unfinished page, laying the book beside me.

    "In that deep I see?" after came a small chuckle, like his son. I laughed along, picking up a grape off the plate he placed on the table next to me.

    "This room is beautiful," I tell him looking around once again, "almost like a fairytale, so unreal."

    "It is, isn't it?" His voice is calm and slow.

    "I think I could stay here forever if I could."

    "You think so?" he laughs. I nod with a small huff of a laugh.

    We chatted for a while, both finishing our lunch. As I offered to help bring down the plates, he politely declined the offer. I wanted to ask again and assist in doing so, yet he seemed sure on the decline.

    The clock now read six thirty, as I hoped Josh would be home soon. Though an hour passed by, then came another. As I waited on him, I had decided on helping with dinner. The least I could do. On the way down the stairs, a light sound of chatter echoed along the walls of this home. The floor was cold against my feet, though the air around was freshly warm with a slight scent of something unknown. Around the corner of the kitchen, the two parents stood on the opposite side of the island; both looking my way as I entered. I was lost of words at the sight of their eyes on mine. I smiled, taking a step forward.

    "Is something wrong?" Mr.Hayes asked, as I was slowly coming closer.

    "No, nothing wrong," I continued to smile, "I just thought I could help with dinner or something."

    Mrs.Hayes rolled her eyes. What had I done?

    "That's very kind of you," he smiled, "I was just about to start."

    I felt the presence of eyes on me, as I took a step forward. It was her. Her eyes dawned on me, as she went to leave the room. I frown slightly as she leaves.

    "Hey, don't let her get to you," he smiled at me worryingly. I gave one back, to help ease the worry.

    "So what are we making?" I needed to change the subject.

    There were potatoes, an assortment of vegetables, carrots, green beans, peppers, tomatoes. Along with onions, and mushrooms. A roast cooked in the oven with a few peppers and onions, slowly releasing its delicious fumes into the surrounding air. As the potatoes were cut into cubes, and placed into boiling water. The carrots and beans cut into smaller chunks, also placed in boiling water towards the end of the cooking, while the peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce cut into a salad, placed in a light wooden bowl, that darkened at the touch of the dampened ingredients.

    I went ahead and placed some plates, the design still amazed me. The floral pattern on the edges reminded me of the vines on the roof of the room. I smiled at the memory of the dancing vines. The utensils still matched, and were cool to the touch. The glasses seemed to be slightly frosted, with a slight rough texture to the touch. It was soothing to feel.

    The door to the front opened. I rushed to see who it was. Josh kicked off his dirty boots, placing them off to the side neatly with his feat. I laughed at the sight of him using his feet instead of his hands. He looked up with a smile as he heard me. I leaned on the wall next to me, watching him walk further into the house. His white shirt that he wore was slightly dirty, along with his light jeans. His hands were covered with a light bit of dirt that had also ended up on his face. I laughed at the sight of his dirty self, as he laughed as well.

    "What are you laughing at?" he teased. His eyes went up and down quickly, I flushed at the sight.

    "Why are you so dirty?" I giggled.

    "I am?" he said sarcastically, looking down upon himself, "why I am," he grinned looking at me, stepping closer. "Want a hug?"

    "No," I pushed off the wall, taking a step back, still laughing.

    "Why not?" teasing with a closer step.

    "Because you're dirty," I rolled my eyes playfully, taking yet another step back.

    "Come here you," he smiled, opening his arms.

I took off running with laughter. I heard his laughter behind me running to the living room. As I was on the opposite side of the couch, he was on the other. I stopped catching a breath. I saw his eyes looking to the couch then back at me, after came a grin. My eyes widened as he came towards the couch, jumping to my side. As I tried to run, his dirty hand grabbed mine. I screeched playfully as he pulled me to him. His scent lightened underneath the smell of sweat. Though he was warm. So warm. His heartbeat pounded beneath his chest, and his breathing was heavy, along with mine. We laughed as he pulled me tighter in.

"You stink," I teased. Though he only laughed.

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