Chapter 25: Avalon

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As I woke up the next morning, I was surprised to see the spot next to me was empty. And the room was different. It wasn't the guest room. This one was a little bit bigger, and darker due to the windows being closed.

I got up, only a large t-shirt hung loosely on my thin body while I tipped toed over to a window to open it up. The sun was barely over the horizon, showing beautiful colours across the skyline. It allowed lots of light to brighten up the dark red room. Many kinds of athletic materials were on the floor, and pictures of people who I did not know hung on the wall. But one in particular stuck out more than others. It was turned around so you couldn't see the actual picture.

I crept closer towards it, hearing noises coming from downstairs when I picked up the picture. It was a picture of Asher, Josh, and some other girl who was kissing Asher's cheek. She looked very similar to Josh, same hair color, skin color. Was this her? Josh's sister that he told me about? If so, why was she kissing Asher's cheek? Just then the door opens, startling so much I dropped the picture before seeing Asher is the doorway in only his sweats once again.

"You scared me," I say, reaching down to pick up the picture frame. I sigh when I see a small crack in the corner. "I'm sorry." he walks over looking at the picture. I see his muscles tense when he takes it in his hand.

"It's nothing," he shrugs it off,putting it in a drawer.

"Was that her?" I ask, tugging at my fingers.

"Huh?" he says.

"The girl in the picture. She looks like Josh. Was that his sister?" He shifts uncomfortably. What about her makes everyone so uncomfortable.

"Yes," He clears his throat.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"Josh didn't tell you anything, did he?" he chuckles, but walks closer when I shrug my shoulders. How much did Josh not tell me?

"Can you tell me?" I breathed as he came closer to me. How does he have this much control over me like this?

"Can't we just have fun first?" he groans into my ears, nibbling it slightly, while putting his hands just underneath my shirt. "I know you want to," he chuckles when he hears a small moan from beneath my breath.

"Just a little," I breathed.

"Just a little huh?" he says, hovering his lips just above mine. Teasing me. Craving me. His free hand guides my hip to his to feel him bulging, and throbbing beneath his clothes.

I gave in. Smashing my lips into his. His hands grabbed my thighs, allowing him to lift me up, carrying me to the bed. We laughed slightly when sinking into the mattress, kissing harder, breathtaking.

I helped take off his sweats and boxers. His hands traveled up my shirt, sending shivers across my entire body. His body showed all the signs of craving, and I have a feeling mine does too.

"I can't resist but have all you," he groans against my lips, lifting up my shirt.

"Then have me."

"Fuck, you shouldn't have said that," he takes a hard kiss, taking what I gave him.

He kissed my neck, tracing my ear, jaw, chest. His one hand held both of mine above my head. His touch drove me crazy, underneath it my mind went to liquid. He knew what he was doing with every thrust, every touch, every kiss.

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