Chapter 17: Avalon

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After dinner, I went up to my room. Changing into a cropped light blue tank top, and high waisted shorts that were softer than ever, till looking at the phone that I previously left on the edge of the bed. Five messages read from Asher on the screen.

    *Again, I'm sorry. Can I make up for it? Maybe meet up sometimes? Alone.* they read. My chest pounded in my chest. Why would he want to meet up? And alone? Why is he so different like this? So many questions, to no answers.

    *I don't leave the house without Josh.* I text back. Though it didn't sound so good now that I say it out loud.

    *why not?* he asks. Why didn't I? Oh yea. I'm someone not from this world. *Wait, you two live together?* he says, distracting me from my thoughts.

    I forgot that no one knew that I stayed here. I showed up one day out of the blue. Looking horrible as ever. Now that a week has passed, things feel normal. It feels normal to call this place home. A safe place. Though no one knew why.

    *umm. Yeah, I live with him.* What else do I say? That Josh found me in the middle of the road one night, and took me home?

    *How long ago did you move in?* What is he trying to get?

    *About a week ago.*

    *Oh, so not that long.* he says before saying, *Where did you live before?*

    In an abandoned house just outside of town, I think to myself. If only I could say the truth and see the look on his face when I do. But what do I say?

    * Somewhere outside of town.* it's truthful but a lie as well. It's funny how that's how this world works sometimes.

    *Far away?* he asks. Why are there so many questions?

    *Yes, quite* How do I make him stop? *Why are you so interested in my past?*

    *Just a way of getting to know a person I guess. But I guess that's what a date is for.* He ends the sentence with a wink emoji. Was that his way of asking someone out? If so, he needs some work.

    *Is that a proposition?* I watched as the bubble danced like waves.

    *It might have been a really bad one.* I laugh at his honesty, until being interrupted by a door opening once again. Josh's door.

    I placed down the phone once again, slowly peeking through into the hall. It was dark, with a low chilling breeze. The only light coming from my room, and what came from the smallest crack in his door.

    Small sounds of huffs came loudly with every step, drowning out the sound of a hand against something. With the sounds growing louder, I peeked through the slit of space in the door. Watching as Josh, who wore nothing but the pants he wore earlier with something wrapped around his hands, had his back towards me, as his shoulder muscles tightened and loosened as he threw his fist against a large bag. My eyes watched as the sweat dripped down his tightening back, making him hit harder, leaving him so out of thought that he didn't notice me walking further into his room.

    I walked closer, his scent of him blending with the salty liquid of sweat. His breath grew heavy, until he dropped with a small grunt. Panting, his shoulders lifted heavy, his hands resting on the shaking bag in front of him. His body shivered when I put my hand in the middle of his back, moving up to his shoulders, crouching beside his. His eyes looked at me, full of lust and desire as he looked me up and down in my slightly exposed skin, pounding my heart in my chest, allowing my own breath to heavy. With my hand still on his shoulder, he slowly raises hand, slowly gliding his soft hands against my cheek, until cupping it in his palm still wrapped in the rough fabric. I leaned into his gesture, placing the hand previously on his shoulder to the back of his neck. It was hot, dripping with sweat while I used my fingertips to softly stroke beneath his hair lines, causing him to close his eyes, shivering beneath me while taking in a small amount of lip, before holding me against my waist, pulling me against his chest.

    "I'm sorry," he says into my ear. His voice shaking with adrenaline as I grip my arms around him, feeling his warm, heavy breath against the length of my neck.

    He pushed back, looking into my eyes, while I looked into his, locking them in place. A hand touching the small scab and bruising against my lip, pulling down enough to show the white of my teeth, until moving up my jaw to my ear. I let out a breath, slow and steady, closing my eyes. Lifting my head up slightly while his hand slid down my neck, to my shoulder.

    The moment didn't last long. As the memories of the last man to touch my skin. How his face turned Josh's to his when opening my eyes, and not being able to forget the things he said and did. I choked on breathing, feeling my body trembled, dropping every strength I had left in my body. While Josh caught me the room turned dark, into the old room that I saw every night. With the loud, squeaking bed, and the creaking floors. And the smell of alcohol, and cigarettes taking away Josh's calming scent. Reminding me of the pain, the fear that I have only felt last week, that haunted me deep down in my mind, that seems to be something that I will never be able to forget.

    "Ava?," a faint raspy voice called through the door of my troubled mind. bringing me further towards the light of reality instead of the darkest part of my mind, until realizing my mind drifted elsewhere.

    "Hmm?" shaking my head before looking into his eyes.

    "You alright?" he cupped the back of my neck, while his eyes took in my own. The green eyes that seem so familiar and safe now, always gave me the feeling of something bright and free.

    "Yes sorry," I cleared my closed throat to open an airway, "mind went to a different place there."

"Seemed like an awful place." his lips frowned.

"It's okay."

"Did you want to talk about it?"

"No, just want to go back to a few minutes ago."

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