Chapter 8: Joshua

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"Hello Josh," Asher said with a threatening tone, as he looked up from me for his eyes were on Ava. I hated his blue eyes on the people I cared about.

"Asher," I glared back, then softened looking down to Ava, she seemed confused looking back between the two of us.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend?" he said proudly, motioning to her, "she doesn't seem to talk too much."

"Not to people like you," I barked, and watched as his little gang approached, cheering, and glaring, "let's go home," whispered down to Ava, wrapping my arm around her shoulders, motioning her to the door. I didn't want to lose her again.

"Walking away I see," he laughed, "you've always been the type to walk away."

Anger filled my blood, causing it to boil. But it cooled as Ava's hand touched my hand. Why does he always try to get under my skin?

"What? Not up for a fight?" he shouted, as I continued to walk away, slightly pushing people out of the way. "You still pressed on Emily?" He pulled the last string.

Without a thought, my feet turned me around, letting go of Ava. I heard her shout something, though I pushed it out of my head, throwing my fist at Asher, knocking him back to his group. A few of them caught him, setting him up on his feet. He came to swing back, but I grabbed his hand before.

"You don't get to speak her name. Not then. Not now. Not ever!" I yelled, watching as the red liquid poured from his nose and lip, and the pink drained from his face. I pushed him away, hearing him spit as I turned away, and walked back to Ava. Her golden brown eyes wide when looking at me, then softened looking into my own pained soul. I put out my slowly bruising hand, that vibrated of adrenaline. She bent down as I had dropped the present I had gotten her, she held it in one hand, then took my hand calmly, as I then led her back to the car.

As the sun had started setting, and the cool day cooled even more, the three girls stood at the hood of my car. It angered me as they lost her in the first place. They promised to keep an eye on her, and now look at what happened. Her face when I found her was terrifying. I hated seeing her that way.

"Go sit in the car," I whispered down to her, I saw her breath in the air, "I'll be in a second." She nodded, following the instructions. As I walked over to the laughing group of girls.

"You were supposed to be watching her!" I said in an angry voice, their faces turned to me in an innocent way, I hated when they did that.

"We said we were sorry," Emma said with a pouty face, "don't be so grumpy."

"I'm allowed to be mad, considering I found Asher with her," they frowned for real this time. I rubbed my face with the bruising hand, hearing them gasp at the sight.

"You didn't.." Malory started, though I stopped her words.

"One hit, that's all I needed," I sighed, "don't let this happen again." They all nodded, as I turned to the driver side of the car.

They all moved to their car when I closed my door, turning on the engine. Ava sat silently, until I broke the silence.

"I didn't want to hurt him," I said, and meant it. I felt her eyes on me, as I slowly pulled out of the parking lot.

"I know," her voice was calm, though a slight shake came through.

"Did he hurt you? Or anything?" I asked, scared of the answer.

"Just wouldn't leave me alone," I knew she was honest about it.

I looked over as she watched the window, like she always did. As she looked at every building, every tree, every house. Just fascinated with it all. Made me wonder what her past life was. Before I found her. Her 'thank you' rang in my head all day. That misty damp night, the moment she fell into my arms I knew she needed help. That she needed someone. I couldn't leave her alone in a strange place, who knows what would have happened. I looked back and forth from her and the road from time to time. Mainly looking at the roof, but I rather watch her gleaming eyes in this world of beauty.

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