Fancier than Applebee's

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'Success isn't overnight. It's everyday when you get a little better than before. It adds up'


I couldn't stop looking at the restaurant, it was gorgeous. The seating was more private, which I thanked the designer for. I don't go out, nobody wants to eat alone while every one else is happy and living it up. A bottle opening brought me back to reality and Nikola hands me a glass of wine.

"Thank you." I look down at the menu, then at Nikola with a smirk on his face. "You'll have to promise to teach how to read this."

"Of course my love." The waiter comes back and Nikola orders for me. I get lost in my thoughts, looking down at my hands. I felt so out of place, they probably ate in fancy restaurants all the time.

"What's wrong little one?" I look at Nico, he's leaned over so he's close to my ear.

"Nico, I don't belong here. What if I break something?" I bite my lip looking at him.

"Then I'll pay for it. Everyone needs to eat little one." He gives me a smile before turning to Stefano.

"Take a deep breath." I hear Nikola and I take a deep breath. I look at him, I felt like his eyes was trying to look in my soul.

"What do you want with me?" I mutter our.

"What do I want with you?" He looks at me. "I want to know your fears so I can help you overcome them. I want to protect you from harm. I want to know what makes you tick, so I know what buttons to press." I see a smirk on his face. "I want you on your good days when your laughing and smiling. I want you on your bad days, we can be lazy and snack all day." I let out a laugh, Nikola wasn't big on snacking on junk food all day and everyone knew that. "I want you underneath us, begging us to give you a release. While you pray that we grant your wish." I bite my lip, I could feel my cheeks start to heat up. "It's simple, my love. We want your heart, body and mind." I look at him simple. Simple? He thinks all of that is simple.

"We need to work on your definition of simple." I hear someone let out a laugh and I look at Luca, I had two glasses of wine before dinner even made it to the table. Stefano hands me another glass.

"I've think you've had enough." I look at Adrianno. "How about some water?"

"I like the taste of wine better." I give Adrianno a smile, probably because of the wine.

"You're also a lightweight, Adrianno is right." I look at Nikola take the glass of wine away and put a glass of water in front of me.

"That's not fair." I mutter out.

"Watch it princess." I look at Adrianno and the food arrives. He was lucky there was food in front of me. Really I was lucky, my mouth is going to get me in trouble when I drink. They all go to the bathroom, in the movies the females went to the bathroom at once. I didn't know guys did it too. I look around before drinking Stefano's wine. I smile to myself as I take another bite of pasta. I look at Stefano sit down and look at his glass then at me. I put my finger over my lips. He let's out a small laugh shaking his head. We step out of the restaurant and the cool air hits me.

"Oh Luca."

"What is it little one?" He opens the back of the SUV.

"Can you make me brownies? Please?" I look at a smile on his face.

"You're adorable when your drunk." He helps me in, then slides in beside me. The whole ride all I could focus on was the tattoo coming out the sleeve underneath Luca's shirt. We make it back and I walk into the kitchen. "I have a confession." I look at Luca. "I can't bake." I let out a gasp and put my hand over my heart.

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