A Big Step

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'Live for today. Yesterday is in the past and tomorrow isn't promised to anyone'


I wake up to warmth, I look at Nikola sleeping. He looked so peaceful, I go to move but the arm around me tightens.

"Morning princess." I let out a shiver when I hear Nico in my ear. "I'll get Stefano to make you breakfast." I get out of bed with him. I see Nikola and Luca, but no Adrianno. "He's at work." We walk into the kitchen and Stefano is cooking breakfast.

"It smells amazing." I sit down and watch him, he was good in the kitchen. It didn't take long for the aroma of food to fill my nose and my stomach starts to growl.

"Better hurry Stefano." I look at Luca walk in with a smile on his face. "Morning little one."

"Morning." I look at him sit next to me.

"How did you sleep?" I look at Nikola walk in and he sits on the other side of me. How did I sleep?

"It wasn't bad."

"Wow, that's all we get?" I let out a small laugh when I see the dramatic, hurtful face of Stefano.

"I don't usually sleep at night. I work."

"What do you do after work?" I look at Luca.

"I usually walk home and that can take 30 minutes, or a couple hours. Depending on how the night went, or if I have therapy. I usually make a pot of coffee. Then I people watch until I'm tired or the pot of coffee runs out. Then my alarm goes off for work." I look at them all looking at me with concern in there eyes.

"That's not healthy to get a couple hours of sleep." I look at Nico.

"I should be getting ready." I walk out of the kitchen and to the bedroom. I take a shower and get dressed. I walk out the bathroom and stop when I see Luca.

"I think I made progress. I haven't gotten a hit for your parents on your DNA yet, that's still running. You do have a sister." I look at him.

"A sister?" I look at him, I have a sister. "Who?"

"Lexi Summers, you two have met." I look at him confused. "The little girl, Macey, that got lost and you helped. Lexi is her mom. Macey is actually your niece." I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Thanks Luca. I've never had anyone help me like you do." I give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Anything for you little one." He leads me outside where Nico is waiting in a SUV. Luca kisses my forehead before shutting the door. It didn't seem like it took long before Nico was pulling up to the tall building that I was so familiar to.

"Take a deep breath princess." Nico kisses my hand, I give him a smile and get out of the SUV. I make it to the office and see Amy smiling behind her desk.

"Hey Jess."

"Hey Amy." I sign in and walk into the office. I sit in front of Rebekah.

"It's good to see you." She gives me a smile. "Tell me the first thing on your mind?"

"Is it wrong to like five men at one time. If they made my choose I don't think I could." I meant to think about my answer, I usually do. This time, I really did tell her the first thing that came to my mind.

"What one person might see as wrong, the next person might not. Remember you're not going to please everyone that you meet. It's all about what makes you happy. Do they make you happy?" She gives me a smile.

"They do. Nikola can calm me down when I can't myself. Stefano can make me laugh, even when I don't want to. Nico and Adrianno look out for me. Luca is helping me find my parents, to work on my abandonment issues."

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