Let's Celebrate

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'Don't base your happiness off other people's happiness, or else you're just going to be miserable'


I wake up to the sun shining and the sound of birds. I sit up in bed, I stop when I see the fresh flowers on the side of my bed with a note.

'Sorry about last night princess. Luca'

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips. He didn't have to, nobody has control over their emotions. I get up and get dressed in a simple summer dress. I make my way to the kitchen, I see Nonna Rosa.

"Oh angel, you should've called for me. I would've helped you. You sit and I'll make coffee." She helps me sit down at the counter.

"Grazie." She gives me a smile before she starts to make coffee. "Where is everyone?"

"Stefano and Luca are getting things for the party. Adrianno, Nikola and Luca are making sure the boat is ready." I look at her, a small frown on my face.

"Wait, are we leaving today?"

"Today will be the only day that it'll be safe enough to travel. What's wrong angel?"

"Guess I'm a little nervous to go back. I go back to reality, I'm still bracing myself that I'm going to wake up and this will all be a dream." She let's out a laugh. "Some of it seem too good to be true. Sometimes it's how did I get so lucky?"

"You have to realize what an amazing person you are. You deserve the best. Are you happy?"

"I am happy." I look at her smiling.

"Then that's all that matters. Do whatever makes you happy."

"Do you approve?" I look at her as she hands me another cup of coffee.

"Of course I do angel, you're the best thing that's happened to them." She gives me a smile before getting back to cooking.

"Do you need any help?"

"I thought you promised to rest." I look at Adrianno walk in the kitchen with Luca and Nikola.

"She has been, she even called for me to help her out of bed. She's been sitting here ever since." I look at Nonna Rosa give me a smile and I give her one back Yes, she's on my side. I do a little victory dance in my head.

"How about I rewrap your leg, my love." Nikola starts to unwrap my leg.

"How does it look doc?" He let's out a little laugh.

"It's healing, bleeding looks like it has finally stopped. It is still healing though, still have to take it easy." I look at him smile and I give him a smile. He cleans it and rewraps my leg.

"Thank you. Are we leaving today?" I look at Nikola sit down beside me, while Adrianno sits down on the other side of me.

"We were hoping. There's a another storm coming in either late tonight or early morning and it isn't going to be pretty. We need to get back, but I promise to bring you back whenever you want." I could see the promise in Nikola's eyes at his words.

"You boys better. Don't make me come to the states and kidnap her." I try and hide the laugh when Nonna Rosa looks at them.

"Let me know when you land and I'll meet you at the airport." She let's out a laugh which causes me to laugh.

"We promise to bring her back Nonna." I look at Stefano walk in the kitchen with Nico. Stefano starts to help Luca with brunch. We all eat and Nonna Rosa gets back to cooking.

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