A Happy Place

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'The only thing that will make you happy, is being happy with youself'


Macey and I are in the kitchen making breakfast. I flip the pancake adding it to the stack.

"Something smells amazing." Stefano walks in the kitchen and kisses my cheek. I make plates and Macey helps with the table. "I want chocolate chip pancakes too."

"I'll share Uncle Stefano."

"Awe cupcake that's sweet of you, I'll take you shopping later."

"Can we go to the bookstore?" Macey's eyes light up with excitement at the thought

"The bookstore? What six year old wants to go to a bookstore?" I let out a little laugh.

"Good morning love." Nikola gives me a kiss. We all eat, I try to clean up, but Nico stops me.

"You two cooked, I'll clean. Go get ready for therapy princess." Nikola gives me a quick kiss before pushing me away.

"Come on Mace, we'll get you dressed. Your mommy has already messaged me. She misses you."

"I get to go to the bookstore first, right?Uncle Stefano promised."

"The good thing about your uncles, they will always keep their promises." I see the smile on her face, she takes my hand and we go and get ready.

Stefano pulls up to the huge building that I've grown so use to.

"We'll be back to get you." I give him a smile before walking inside. I get off the elevator and smile when I see Amy.

"Oh Jess, you look happy."

"Oh Amy, I feel happy." I give her a smile as I sign in and wait.

"She's ready for you." I walk into the office and sit down.

"The way you look, it looks like good news." I see her smiling.

"A lot of it is. I took my dream vacation, a village where Stefano and Nico grew up, but I was pushed down a hill. Went over a cliff and in the ocean." I let out a laugh when I see the look on her face. "A jealous ex. I almost gave up, numerous times. I had things to live for, a sister and niece to meet. To ask my real parents why? Love, oh Rebekah. I fell in love with five men, who all make me feel special. I'm okay, if it isn't long term, because I'm happy now." I look at her smiling, she wraps me in a hug and hands me a tissue after a few tears fall.

"Tell me about this trip."

"Oh it was beautiful, we had to take a plane and then a boat to get there. My second time being on a boat. I met their Nonna Rosa and she is amazing and sweet. Carlos runs the bread shop, Alfonzo is the butcher. Everyone has a purpose and everyone helps everyone. It was magical." I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"Who pushed you?"

"Lillian, she ran the flower shop and asked me to help her. I did, they were suppose to come back for her. Nico and her, but it was before me. He blamed himself, but I don't blame him for someone else's actions. Now if he tried to kill me, it would be a different story." I look at her smiling.

"It takes a smart person to realize that. One person's actions doesn't reflection another person. What happened next?"

"She pushed me down a hill and I went over the cliff into the ocean." I see her eyes get big. "I'm not a very good swimmer, actually looking at it now I'm a bad swimmer. There was a wave, I got caught in and next thing I remember I'm on a tiny beach." She let's out a sigh of relief. "I had no idea where I was and it started to storm, so I found a cave. I couldn't stay in the cave, in a storm."

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