Smooth Sailing

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'Its a slow process, but quitting won't speed it up'


We pull up to the marina and Stefano shows me a yacht.

"Stefano, this isn't a boat. It's a yacht." He shakes his head.

"It's the smallest one we own." I look at him.

"You have more, of course you have more. What do you do?"

"I own a few night clubs here and there." He helps me onto the yacht. I was exaggerating on the size. It could fit about 20 people.

"You're driving?" He let's out a laugh.

"Yes princess, do you trust me?" I see the smile on his face.

"Yes." I mutter out, I watch as he steers.

"Come here." I look at Stefano motioning for me to walk over to him.

"Me?" I point to myself to make sure.

"Yes, princess. There's nobody else." I get up and he pulls me in front of him. He puts my hands on the wheel.

"Oh Stefano, I don't know how to steer this thing." I could feel panic start to set in.

"I trust you princess." I hear him whisper in my ear. No pressure, hell I don't even know if I trust me. His hands engulf mine and I could feel my body start to calm down. "Everybody is new their first time. You won't learn unless you try. I promise you, I won't let you fail." I let out a deep breath before he removes his hands.

"I'm doing it, I'm steering the boat. Oh Stefano, you can put your hands back now." He lets out a little laugh, shaking his head. 

"Told you that you could do it." Stefano kisses the top of my head.

"Thanks Stefano." I feel my body relax into his.

"My parents died when I was eight years old." I feel his hands grab my hips. "I went to go live with my Nonna. I hated it at first, I was stuck on an island away from my friends. Then I met Nico. We were a handful whenever we got together." I hear him let out a laugh. "Piantagrane, troublemakers and we were."

"No. You and Nico? Troublemakers? I don't see that at all." I could see that actually, all of them were like a little gang.

"I know we were angels." I couldn't help the small giggle that left my lips.

"So was Lucifier." I hear Stefano let out a laugh. I could feel it in his whole body.

"At age 16, I was sent to live with my zio, Uncle Mario. Nico came along, only thing that changed, we got better at covering our tracks when we caused trouble."

"Let me guess, you were able to talk your way out of a lot of any kind of situation."

"Or talk my way into them." I feel my body shiver when he presses a kiss to my neck

"Stefano." I mutter out, but he didn't stop with the kisses. I let out a small hiss when I feel his fingers dig deeper into my hips, pulling me into his body.

"We met Adrianno, Nikola and Luca."
I feel him smirk on my neck. "We're here." He presses a button, it takes a few minutes before I feel a jolt. He must've dropped the anchor. I look around and see rocks, then nothing but water.

"Stefano, where are we?" I look around then look at him.

"We have to take the life boat the rest of the way. Or we can swim." I could feel my eyes get big.

"I can't swim, I mean I can. I'm not the best, I might be able to swim good enough to save my own life. That's a big maybe, but don't ask me to try and save someone else, because we both will die." His lips land on mine, stopping my rambling.

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