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'You owe yourself the love that you so freely give others'


I feel a burning in my lungs as I cough out the water. I can breath, oh thank God, I'm alive. I open my eyes and look around, there's no one around. It looks like I washed up on a small private beach, but it looks like no one has visited in a long time. I stand up and steady myself, I look down and see the cut going up my forearm and one on my left calf. That's going to leave a scar. I wince at the pain as I start to walk through the woods, even though I had no clue where I was going. I couldn't just stay there.

I feel it start to rain and I let out a groan, just my luck. I find a cave as it starts to rain harder. I see the lightening and jump when I hear the thunder. I hope they made it safe through the storm. I let out a laugh, here I am lost and I'm worried about if they're safe. Do they even know I'm missing? Would they come looking for me? I feel the air start to get colder and I had no way to make a fire. It was like I was nine years old all over again. I could feel the panic start to rise in my body.

'Take deep breaths.' I tell myself. 'You're not the little girl that you once was. You're strong, you can do this. Get your ass up and find a way out.' For once the little voice in my head was right, I couldn't stay here. I get up and walk out of the cave. I had no clue where I was going and the rain was getting harder. The trees blocked a lot of it, but I had to keep going. Just keep walking. I can't die, I have a sister to meet, men that I need to tell how I feel. Someone to strangle.

I slip in mud for the fourth time. I give up, this is hopeless, for all I know I could be walking in circles. I get up, tears mixing with the rain. I had to keep going. I couldn't stop no matter how bad I wanted to. Maybe I should've stayed in the cave. I wouldn't be as soaked as I am now. I get up and keep walking. I make it over a hill and all I see is more trees. Where is Luca? He's the best at finding people. What if Lillian made up a lie and nobody is even looking for me? It could be days before someone finds me. That just means I have to find them first.

I look around and bite my lip. I'm going to be honest, I can't even tell you which way is north, south, east or west. Directions and me have never mixed. I forget things a lot, unless I write them down and sometimes I'll still forget. I had to keep walking and that's what I did. I kept walking until my feet hurt and I was getting tired. It was getting dark and I could barely see anything in front of me. I look around to see if I could see any light from the village or a light from someone trying to find me. No such luck, where the hell did I end up. I find another cave and sit down against the wall. I lay my head back.

This was one hell of a vacation. Usually you hear on the news about a tourist dying or getting lost and it being to late to find them, it's always a tragic accident. So many people would say good things about them after they were gone. I wonder who would say anything for me? Would my funeral be empty? Would my parents show? I roll my eyes, they would probably celebrate, thinking their little secret was safe. Would they stand around my grave or would they be on to the next girl? I shake my head of those thoughts. I'm not dying, not this time damn it, but I am tired. I feel my eyes get heavy and I pass out from exhaustion.

I wake up to birds chirping, I stand up and hold onto the wall of the cave. My body was tired and hurting, but I had to keep going. At least it stopped raining. I walk out of the cave and start walking, praying that I was going the right away. Hours, I'd been walking for what feels like hours and nothing.

"Luca!" I scream out, he has to be searching for me. If anyone can find me, it's Luca.

"Jessica!" I turn to my right when I hear him.

"Luca!" I start to walk up a hill, I make it to the top and I see Luca. I could feel my eyes start to water. He runs up to me, picking me up.

"We've been so worried about you little one." He kisses my forehead, looking at me.

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