36- New Him

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I thank all those 128 ⭐  so I worked hard and gave a long update of 2k words... Love you so much

36- New Him

Manik was restless entire day, he was unable to accept such great words from Nandini. Even if she had told bad about him that might not disturb him to this extent.

Evening he went home early. All the time he was with his father, but his eyes are focused on Nandini.  She felt so nervous feeling his gaze on her but didn't dare to make eye contact with him.


As it's a special day they planned to have terrace dinner. Nandini helped Maya to arrange dishes on the table. Manik was so surprised to see her mingling with everyone so easily.

Manik insisted Maya to join them for dinner and all occupied their respective chairs around the table. Nandini took the seat between Victor and Jack suddenly manik sighed her to sit beside him. She was scared to move an inch and sat on her chair. Manik took it as a no and took charge. He walked to another side he forced Jack to change his seat.

"Let him Manik, why you're disturbing him" Victor scolded.

"No, I should sit here only or else tell this girl to sit that side" Manik argued. Nandini got scared of his anger she just got up to go.

Jack knows Manik is very insecure about her closeness with his dad.

"Is this jealous or fear of uncle seeing your reality?" Jack grinned in his ear that manik softly punched his abs.

"Shut up and go" Manik whispered sitting beside her. Nandini sat on edge of her chair ready to run away from him. Victor felt her indifferent and her sweat witnessed by him added more doubt.

"Why your not eating?" Victor asked doubtfully.

"She is vegetarian" Manik said serving her a fresh plate of fried rice and also a bowl of pasta which he specially mentioned to Maya to cook.

Jack and Nandini looked at Manik in utmost shock. She couldn't believe that he knows her food habits and likes, and dislikes.

"Sorry, dear. I don't know. Good job, Manik" Victor smiled.

"You said everything to my dad?" Manik whispered in her ear that she was frozen for second shivering in fear.

"No... No sir, I didn't say anything" she shattered in fear of getting him misunderstand again.

"Really, baby?" He pressed again enjoying her fear. She turned pale in feared of his anger. Her tears are ready to fall out.

"That's good for you" he smiled serving her.

"Eat well, you need more energy" Manik showered fake emotions audible to everyone. Victor felt happy seeing him taking care of Nandini.

Nandini completed her dinner fast and ran away from him.


Victor asked Manik to sleep in his room and he accepted. Nandini felt so happy hoping she can stay safe alone. But the next sentence from victor shook her.

"You can also sleep here, Angel. You remembered you used to sleep only with Manik only and his mom can't sleep without him and we all four used to end up sleeping in my room."

"No, uncle. I'm fine"

"She won't sleep with us dad she had lot of late night business in her room" manik growled victor looked at Nandini questioning.

"No, uncle. I..."


"Maybe she doesn't like to sleep with us" Manik added more doubts. He was trying hard to destroy her place in his dad's mind. Nandini understood that either way, it was a trap. That will be better to live along with his dad to be safe and nodded for them.

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