88- Complaints

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88- Complaints


Manik revised few topics but Nandini felt them as easy chapters and got busy reading in her book and often looking at him. Manik got it well and he paused his one-hour lecture to 40 minutes and dropped his marker after capping it.

"For today I think it's enough, how about we end this here?" Manik asked observing Nandini. She didn't even raise up her head lost in her book. Riya kicked her feet getting her to reality. She looked up in seconds showing her Oscar performance.

"Any doubts about today's topics?" He asked everyone and Not even thinking Nandini nodded so big confidently along with all.

"Great, let me see how good you learnt! Here I give you two problems. Solve them, hand me the paper and you can leave that second" He said penning two problems on the board. Nandini was beyond horror seeing the questions and all the numbers and letters rounded her erasing all her confidence.

Manik smirked seeing her facial expression and unbuttoned his hand sleeve and folded it passing her a hard warning about the new danger coming towards her if she fails in this assignment. The pain was still raw on her.

Everyone started solving the questions and within 10 minutes 70% of students went submitted their answer sheets. Riya solved the problem and sighed Nandini to copy,  Nandini solved half of the first problem and copied the rest from Riya's paper.

Manik started focusing on Nandini which was caught by Riya. She softly shook Nandini's leg and sighed her about Manik's glare. Riya penned the second problem on another sheet and passed it to Nandini under the table.

Manik looked at Riya suspiciously seeing her sitting idle. "Seems your done, Riya" Manik asked walking to her. He grabbed her paper and asked her to leave.

Riya went looking at Nandini and 95% of the students left the classroom. Manik pepped in Nandini's worksheet and realised she didn't get anything in this class and can't solve this anyway. She tried hard to copy but he was watching her. 

"Don't look at me like that, im feeling uneasy" She whispered to him like he was looking with different interest. Manik felt she was taking him wrong and turned to the last three students. Even they submitted their papers and Manik returned to her. Seeing him closer to her, she snatched away the paper given by Riya and fisting it she hidden it under her which was noticed by Manik.

At last, she gave him her paper.

"Meet me in my cabin now!" He said while taking her paper and walked out of the room only after passing an angry look at her.

She felt something fishy but with all confidence, she dumped the paper in the dustbin and went to his room which was on the last corner of their block.

"May I come in, Mr. Victor" Nandini giggled knocking on his door.

"Yeah, but only after Locking the door" He smiled getting up from his chair.

"College!" She reminded.

"Now the thing I'm talking shouldn't go out, so! Ok,  if you insist. Tell me how wonderfully you copied from your friend's paper." she instantly locked the door and reached him.

"I didn't copy anything ok, you don't put false allegations and search for reasons to punish me."

"So you mean I was just making stories to punish you? What do I get by that?" He scoffed in anger throwing papers at her.

Tamed By Tutor/ Guilty RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now