Chapter 95

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I Like The Man Who Is Said To Be The Villain Chapter 95:
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However, in just over two months, the area of ​​the Glory Base has more than doubled. It is impossible to expand to the north, so in the past two months, Huangfu Aotian expanded directly to the Yunbo base by five miles, and expanded the area of ​​fifty miles to the south of the no-man's land. The current area has far exceeded the area of ​​a city under normal circumstances, but it still bypasses the Yunbo base.

At this stage, it is impossible to relocate people to the past. After all, under the circumstances of so many threats from the outside world, the instinct of human beings still wants to hold a group.

But Huangfu Aotian is indeed worthy of being the protagonist of the world. Those places that not many people want to live in are directly cultivated into farmland. In the past, the auxiliary power users at the Glory Base were obviously mainly based on the healing system, but now there is a trend of mainly wood and water power users.

Moreover, Huangfu Aotian also launched a series of incentive measures to make ordinary people and low-level ability users full of energy. Now it can be said that there is a thriving party there.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Su Yunxi's voice of 'tsk tsk tsk' did not stop. As if Su Yunxi and Yu Bai were some kind of pressure switches, they suppressed Huangfu Aotian's radiance when they were there.

It has been suppressed for a long time, so in the two months that Su Yunxi and Yu Bai left, they showed their abilities explosively.

I have to say that it is really impossible to be the protagonist of the world without two brushes.

As for the former protagonist of the world, the situation is a little awkward. After Yu Jieyi and that Xiao's JQ were exposed, he and Huangfu Aotian were separated.

Huangfu Aotian doesn't have any virginity plots, but that person is dedicated even if he spends his time.

Since Yu Jieyi has someone else, Huangfu Aotian will naturally wish him happiness.

As for whether he can be happy after leaving Huangfu Aotian, that is not what Huangfu Aotian will care about. But Huangfu Aotian wanted to break up, obviously he disagreed.

Therefore, the emotional entanglement of the two people has become the focus of gossip for all the people in Haicheng, and has made infinite contributions to the physical and mental health of the people of Haicheng.

In order to chase the eight o'clock of those two people, many people even forgot the threat posed by zombies, beasts and plants.

Tsk tsk tsk, he really deserves to be the protagonist of the world.

However, that was all in the past.

With the return of Su Yunxi and Yu Bai, the focus of the people of Haicheng naturally returned to these two people. Su Yunxi did not disappoint, and planted a lot of lotus flowers in the waters on the day he came back.

Just when everyone thought that this was Su Yunxi's "beauty" performance, Su Yunxi directly announced the shocking news that these lotus flowers can purify water.

The speed at which the lotus purifies the water source is no less than that of the previous meteorite. The most important thing is that the meteorite absorbs the viruses and does not make those viruses disappear, but condenses all the viruses together to attract more powerful monsters.

The lotus flower is different. That is the real purification, the real purification that makes the virus disappear.

On the first day, Su Yunxi spawned a body of water with a total of more than 100 lotus flowers, and then the water quality in the water resource testing data of Yunbo Base has reached the level of pure water before the end of the world.

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