Capter 1

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There wasn't a thing in the world that I wanted more than Power. I wanted to be the best. To radiate a blazing force that captivated attention. I wanted people to look at me and say "god damn that girl is on fire" I aspired to be the flame that illuminated the world. I wanted to be that role model that little girls would look up to. And now that goal doesn't seem too far away. However a constant fear of fai;ure lingers within me, threatening to extinguish my ambitions.

I was adopted as a baby by my incredible parents, who showered me with love and treated me as their own. They would never keep secrets from me and would always respect me for who I was. I couldn't have asked for a more loving family than I already have.

My adopted brother, Oliver, was my protector and the best big brother anyone could ask for. If someone ever bullied me in school he would shield me from harm. Sometimes he would beat them up after school when no one was looking. He knew I didn't like him to hurt them for me. I always insisted on standing up for myself. But he would always refuse to let me, determined to keep me safe.

I was never the prettiest or smartest kid in school. I was the overlocked outcast, the one that the teacher would forget was even in their class at times. I didn't have any friends, prefering to keep to myself and focus on me. I regret most of my early childhood. I regret not making the most of those moments and constantly looking ahead to the future instead of living in the present.

As soon as I turned 16, I made the decision to join the military., following the footsteps of my brother who had already served for three years. My father, a four-star general, had initially wanted me to wait until the end of high school and pursue a college degree. But I couldn't bear to stay in that hell hole any longer.

My dad had already taught me a lot when I was growing up about how to defend myself, and I could honestly beat a grown man's ass if I wanted to with ease. My mother didn't appreciate her daughter learning such skills at a young age but I did irregardless. It empowered me knowing that if a man ever tried to touch me I could drop them to the ground and pound their dick with my foot till they were crying and begging me to stop.

My goals were always to rise to the top, regardless of the challenge. I am not one to shy away from a fight, and I take great pride in that. I want to be an inspiration for other girls who feel powerless, to give them a voice and show them their inherent strength.

"Fearia!"  I heard my mothers voice calling me from downstairs. I had just turned 18 a month ago, and it was time for my first mission. Oliver was already waiting for me in the car, but my mom stood downstairs, tears streaming down her face, as I gathered the last few things I needed.
I descended the stairs to see her tear-stained eyes. She didn't want me to go. I was her baby, she had always feared for my safety, even before I joined the military. Her overprotectiveness stemmed from love, and I cherished her for it.

I walked over to her and enveloped her in a warm hug "Mom, I'm going to be okay," I reassured her, looking up at her teary-eyed. "You know I will always come back to you, I love you Mom." I didn't say those words often, as we would often get into fights about my chosen path, but deep down, I knew she was always looking out for me, and I couldn't fault her for it.

"Baby, I know you will," she said, wiping away her tears "It's just hard seeing my baby girl go off for the first time"

After one final squeeze, I released her and wiped away the tear that had escaped down my cheek. Glancing out the window, I saw Oliver growing impatient in the car signaling that it was time to go.

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