Chapter 17

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We had finally reached golden cove after a very long car ride that I mostly slept through. The beaches were beautiful with sand so white like snow and the water was a beautiful crystal blue.

I told the cab to drop me off at one of the nearby hotels. I had enough money so I could get a room for a while. There weren't many hotels out here, only a few but they would work. I had about 50,000 dollars from what I stole from Kaiden. When I opened the safe it looked like he had millions stored up in there so the 50k won't hurt him at all.

I checked into the hotel and they had plenty of rooms available as it was off season down here and no one was vacationing. The room wasn't ready yet so I went to a local restaurant and hung out there for a while enjoying some lunch. When it was about 2pm I went back to the hotel to see if my room was ready. They gave me my room key and I went upstairs to find my new home for the next little bit of my life. It was a pretty simple hotel room with a king bed, a desk in the corner, a small bathroom and a tv.

I sat my stuff down and turned on the tv and switched the channel to the news. When I saw what they were talking about I freaked out. There on the tv screen was a picture of my face. And next it was a caption saying "The prince's bride to be was reported missing this morning. If anyone has any information regarding her whereabouts they may be awarded 3 million dollars"

This was bound to happen. I was never expecting Kaiden to sit still and just let me run away. He was always going to put up a fight trying to find me. I just needed to stay out of his grasp for a little longer.

Even though I did hate it there, Kaiden was nice to me. Yeah he spanked me but that was one time. He was so caring and we could just talk about life sometimes. If I had met him back home I'd probably be falling in love with him. But the circumstances make that nearly impossible. I should hate him with my guts but I don't. If anything I care about him. There's a part of me that feels bad for running away because I know this is causing him pain. I know that he feels bad for making me stay with him but it comes from him wanting to keep me safe. But I can take care of myself, I always have.

I want to go back home so badly but I don't think I could bring myself to do it. They betrayed me. They basically left me to die.

I needed to clear my mind so I left my room and went to the beach. The beach has always calmed me down. It was one of the only places I ever felt at peace and comfortable.

The waves crashing against the sand and rocks felt so natural like it could never be corrupted. It was always so pure and untouchable.

For hours I laid on the beach and relaxed. I stared up into the clouds and just watched them. When the sun started to set, amazing shades of orange and purple started to illuminate the sky. It was truly beautiful and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I took my shorts and shirt off to reveal my bathing suit I had put on underneath of them. I ran into the water and submerged myself in it. Nothing felt better than to feel the water surrounding me and to be able to watch the sunset as well. It was a surreal moment.

I want everyday to feel like this. I want everyday to feel this beautiful. The last month has been hell and I've finally been able to be me again. There are some days I wonder what it would be like to have been a normal girl who went to college and lived a normal life. But when I think about it more and more I know that I would have never been happy with that life. I chose the life I did because it made me happy and even though it led me here I wouldn't change one thing.

That's the beauty of life is you never know what to expect. You plan one thing and yeah it might go your way but it will always give you mountains that you need to climb. And right now I'm climbing one of my biggest ones.

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