Chapter 12

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I have been trying and trying to find out who exactly Fearia was from the moment she ran away that night. I thought locking her up in that room eventually she would come to her senses and obey me. Yet she just kept on defying me even harder. I had suspicions about her that she wasn't from here but they were all justified that day.

My people searched every single database we even remotely had access to for any answers. But they found nothing. Then she told me the truth and I was in complete shock. How would I have not seen this? She's literally the general's daughter. But it made sense when she said she was a special ops agent they probably kept her as their little secret. And it explained her feisty attitude.

What I still don't understand is why Zemeria wants her. She's the general's daughter so there is a reason for them wanting her but Zemeria is fighting insanely hard for her to just be a nobody to them.

This girl is going to be the death of me. She's a little hell fire. She's like a match waiting to be lit. And if she gets the opportunity she will burn down the whole forest. A raging wildfire that doesn't stop for anything in its way.

She's someone who I never thought I would have been attracted to but she's so different and not like any other girl. It makes me want her more and more, like she's the forbidden fruit I shouldn't eat. But I know she hates me and would never want me back. The more she resists me the more attracted to her it makes me.

All I can do right now is just protect her from what's happening in the world right now. Her world probably fell apart within the last few weeks and she saw it just wither away in her hands. I wonder what she thinks of me. She practically threw herself at me when she told me. I can't imagine what she's gone through the past few weeks.

She was probably just looking for someone to comfort her at that moment. She lost everything and just needed someone to tell her everything was going to be ok.

It made me feel bad when I saw her in that state as she was crying into my chest. And to see her shivering body as she did so. I felt like it was all my fault. She's not an obedient Asterin girl, she's a headstrong Oryn soldier. She doesn't belong here. Yet this is the only place she can go right now.

"Sir, Grandmaster Josh is looking for you" one of my guards had come over to tell me. Josh was my best friend, he's practically my brother by this point. He's also the Grandmaster which means he's in charge of everything religious related. From hearings to just religious ceremonies he's in charge. His father died a few years ago and he took over his job almost immediately. It was definitely hard on him and it made him noticeably colder. Josh and I have been through hell and back together. I will always be there anytime, anywhere when he needs me.

"Ok thank you, tell him I'll be in my house." I voiced dismissing the guard. He walked back into the castle. I lived in a house outside the castle located in one of the courtyards. I like having the privacy from the main chaos of the castle.

Fearia was walking beside me, she hadn't spoken to me since we were in her room. My arm was wrapped around her waist guiding her along the path. I could tell she was nervous because she kept fidgeting with her hands and looking at the ground. I felt guilty like this was all my fault. Like if I never would have bought her she would have been better off. But then I thought about what would have happened if I didn't buy her. She would have had no chance ever getting back home. She could have been sold off to some abusive old man that didn't give two shits about her.

As we walked up to my house she looked up from her hands. My house wasn't as big as the castle but was still very regal. It was 2 stories and had lots of room. I didn't need much room in the first place as it was just me living here. When I turned 18 I told my dad I didn't want to live in the castle as it was stressful and I needed to get away. So he decided to give me one of the houses on the outskirts of the castle grounds.

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