Chapter 18

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When we finally got home, Fearia was already passed out in the front seat of my car. She had slept most of the way home and if she wasn't sleeping she was just staring out the window.

I parked the car in front of my house and reached over to see if I could wake her. But it was no use. I got out of the car, opened her door and slid her out into my arms. I carried her up the steps and into my home.

She was so peaceful like this. I loved seeing her so timid and soft but at times I wish for her fearless heart back.

I chose her because I knew she wasn't going to be easy and I didn't want an easy girl. My entire life I was surrounded by girls who have bowed to me and given me everything and anything I wanted. But the moment I saw her I knew she was a force to be reckoned with. I bought her because my future queen should be someone who bows to me and no one else. So far we have gotten the bowing to no one else. We have yet to get to bowing to me part.

I carried her into my room and placed her on my bed. She was still in her clothes from the club. "Fuck it" I cursed under my breath. I went into the closet and grabbed one of my shirts. Then came back out to the room where she was laid on the bed. I reach for the hem of her dress and start to pull it off and over her head gently.

I try my best to lift her up as I'm doing so, so she doesn't wake up. Once the dress was off I quickly put the shirt on. Maybe I did get her because she is fearless but that doesn't mean she's not incredibly gorgeous. She may think her body is her temple. But it's my temple and I will worship it till the day I die.

I finally got the shirt on her and she was still asleep thank god. So I reached to lift her up into my arms so I could place her underneath the covers. Once she was under the covers I turned off the lamp next to the bed and kissed her on the forehead goodnight.

It was hard to walk away from her. I just wanted to hop in my bed with her and I could wrap my arms around her all night, never letting her go. But I couldn't, I needed to get my head straight.

Since she left it's been hard to get sleep. All I have been able to think about is her. Wondering if she was safe, lonely, sad, or happy. I think it's been about three days now that I haven't slept at all.

I walk to the kitchen to grab me a drink. I pour myself a glass of whiskey and sit down on one of the stools. My phone starts ringing and I realize it's a call from Josh. I pick it up and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey man" he said first before I could start the conversation.

"Hey man"

"So did you get her?"

I glanced behind me when he asked his question making sure she hadn't come out. "Yeah she's asleep in my room, she wasn't that hard to find once I got there. She wasn't trying that hard to hide."

"Really? I would've thought she would have tried everything."

"Yeah she came willingly too. I think if she didn't I would've lost my shit. Then some dude was trying to take her in his car and that's when I stepped in and took her. She's cried a lot tonight and she's gone through a lot so I didn't question her about him. But I did beat the shit out of him, left him on the ground begging for mercy."

"What do you mean he was trying to take her in his car like take her home and have sex with her." He paused, "Is she still a virgin?"

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