Chapter 20

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It had been a week since Kaiden and I got into that argument about his father. This week has been okay. Kaiden and I would still argue a lot but we were also having good times. He had one of his friends over the other day and I didn't know. So I walked downstairs in a black lingerie and a robe. Long story short he got mad at me and said it made him look bad because I looked like a whore. This place is so confusing they don't want me to be too conservative because it's weird but then I can't show too much skin because then it's inappropriate.

Kaiden and I still slept in the same bed which was nice and kind of uncomfortable at the same time. Sometimes we would cuddle but nothing more. I liked it that way, he knew where I drew the line which I respected. He's been working a lot so I haven't seen him much and I only really see him at night. Usually he takes me to the lounge during the day and I wait there for him until he's done. On average I spend about 7 hours a day there. It's starting to get very boring and I can feel myself going crazy because I'm not doing anything.

The girls are really nice to talk to but it's been tiring talking to all the girls. I know they want to be friends with me because I'm the prince's girl and most of them don't actually care. At times i just want to relax and not worry about talking to anyone at all but you don't get that luxury in the lounge. Then after all that during the day I have to try my best to please Kaiden at the end of the day. I can tell when he is stressed most days and I've learned to watch out for his temper especially when he's stressed and his temper usually grows a lot when I'm being disobedient. I try to be good but my version of good usually isn't enough for him.

Back home I would spend hours in the gym. I would go on runs around my hometown. It was my therapy, I could clear my mind that way. But here I don't think it's common for women to work out. Most of them just diet and don't eat much if they are considered too fat. The definition of pretty and healthy here is different from in Oryn. Back in Oryn it was attractive if a girl was toned and fit, but here all girls are just skinny and have absolutely no muscle on them. They probably think it's more attractive because the girls are easier to dominate that way. I mentioned me being able to workout to Kaiden, but he just brushed it off like it didn't matter. That made me mad but I didn't start an argument about it.

Crystal and I have been getting along well. She's really nice to talk to. She doesn't seem like a lot of the other girls where they have been forced into submission. Her and Josh seem to actually have a genuine relationship unlike a lot of the other girls that are here. Her and Josh spend a lot of time with Kaiden and she seems to know a lot about him. Whenever Kaiden picks me up at the end of the day they will often come with us back home and eat dinner.

After dinner the boys will go upstairs to work on stuff and me and Crystal will stay downstairs and watch a movie or tv show. I've made her addicted to the bachelor so we've been watching a lot of that. Over the past week I've snuck a few drinks in without Kaiden knowing. I even gave some to Crystal who had never even had alcohol before so that was funny.

There really isn't much to do here. Kaiden seems like a genuine guy but he has his moments. I want to get to know him a little bit more but he's alway working so it's been hard. Then if he's not working he's stressed about working and I never get to know the real Kaiden. Most of the stuff we fight about regards my behavior, shocker. I think he thinks the more he yells at me the better I will be but it's actually the complete opposite. Him yelling at me, makes me just want to act out more. I'd probably want to be around him more and in a way I would obey him if he was sweet and kind to me the whole time. But that's too much to ask from him apparently.

I'm still laying in bed, it's about 10:30 in the morning. Kaiden had already gotten up earlier to start his day and I decided to sleep in. Today I'm going to try to convince Kaiden to let me stay here during the day. I hate going to that stupid lounge with all the other girls. I could do so many more fun things here, than I could there. I also want to see if he will allow me to go for runs. Or maybe when he's gone I'll just go in one myself. He may get mad but I don't really care at this point.

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