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Yibo's Pov

Ten minutes passed and it was finally time to head home. Zhan being the gentleman carried my heavy bag for me, only, it wasn't heavy for him since he's so muscular and all. The docking area with the school buses was already filled with students by the time we got there. One of the teachers spoke, gaining everyone's attention. "I hope you all enjoyed this trip and made lots of friends. As you all know we're heading home in just a bit, so make sure to grab all your belongings." There were a lot of cheers throughout the teacher's speech, but I could also see the sadness on the faces of many students. I guess I wasn't the only one feeling a little down about going home. At this point, I was more worried about what would unfold when I get home.

When we were instructed to get on the buses people flooded through the doors of the closest bus. I lost track of Zhan during all of the commotions and I didn't spot Cheng anywhere. They probably got on the first bus, which was now full. I waited for a moment, just to see if I would spot them anywhere but one of the teachers suggested I get on the second bus instead of standing around. Suddenly I felt that all too familiar unease and anxiety stirring to the surface. I'd hoped to ride with Zhan or even Cheng but that didn't look likely. I didn't even get to say bye.

I took the seat at the back next to the window as I did on the day we came here. All the noisy chatter and shouting put me in greater discomfort, though everyone settled down eventually. That's when the buses took off.

I watched as the trees passed, I watched the open fields come into view and disappear, I watched houses as they passed, and all of the people living their separate lives. What I wouldn't give to live a normal life, to have an ordinary family. Accepting things the way they are now, would probably be better than hoping for something greater though, because in the end I know I'll be disappointed. Around an hour after the buses started moving the teens started to get hyper. Some stood up messing around, even though they were ordered to sit. Some threw things, and others just sat in their seats, like me.

For some time the bus ahead of us was out of sight, though we could usually see it on straightaways. But eventually, we saw it parked on the side of the road. The driver of our bus pulled over to check and see if something was wrong and sure enough there was. We were told to stay on the bus but after ten minutes of waiting, the driver
allowed us off, though we couldn't leave the area. As I stepped out of the bus I saw Zhan in the distance. I wanted to run up to him and give him the biggest hug but that would be weird, especially in front of so many people. I missed him so much even though it was only like two hours since the
buses took off. Zhan shot me a smile when he spotted me leaving the bus. We both approached each other.

"I was worried when I didn't see you on the bus since you were right behind me when I got on." He said as he came up to me.

"I lost sight of you." I admitted embarrassedly, rubbing his cheek before I retracted my hand when I realized what had happened.

"I thought you ran away." He chuckled.

"No way!" I boomed, gaining some unwanted attention. I pouted at him for thinking something so absurd.

All the buses pulled over on the side of the road, waiting for permission to pass. This gave everyone enough time to change buses if they wished to do so. I practically clung to Zhan, not wanting to lose sight of him again. Several people poured off bus one and got on bus five, there weren't enough seats for everyone so some people had to stay behind. A few minutes later the buses pulled away and drove off into the distance. Zhan decided to stay behind, and I stayed with him.

Some hours passed and the driver finally got the problem fixed. He didn't look too pleased. Anyone could hear him swearing under his breath within a two hundred feet radius. During that period, I sat in the grass off of the roadside and watched the sky. Zhan joined me not long after. This moment reminded me of the first day of our trip when we cloud gazed on that grassy hill. A few more people took to the grass a distance away from us and the
other teens were being just as loud as usual. Some were on their phones while others chased each other around. When we finally got back on the road the sun was just about to set. I was glad for the delay. I was in no hurry to get back to my living hell. I wouldn't mind if we were stranded here forever. That just means I would get to spend more time with Zhan. Zhan took the window seat and I sat next to him. I preferred sitting by the window, but I wouldn't dare take it from Zhan. I'd much rather he have it.

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