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Zhan's Pov

School ended. Cindy was nowhere on the school grounds so I assumed she went home. The school was in so much chaos after what happened at lunch. All of our friends looked lost, soulless as if they were hit over their heads with a brick. Seeing this was all too familiar, it was the same for me after all, only, I took it much worse. Having someone you trust so integrated into your life only to find out they've been lying to you for who knows how long can be an extreme shocker, especially if you put your trust in them over someone else, someone like Yibo.

Stepping outside, seeing the green, and feeling the warm breeze against my skin reminded me that summer break was right
around the corner. Knowing that I can spend more time with Yibo made me happy, I would be able to mend the pain I've caused him or some of it at least.

Before I headed home there was one thing I had left to do.

"Xichen, do you mind taking the bus back home?" I asked on our way to the parking

"Why, you finally getting tired of having me around?" He snarked.

"No, its not that, I just... I have to go tell Yibo's boss he may not be able to come in for a while." I explained. Xichen nodded in understanding before getting in the car.

"We going?" He asked looking through the

"Wait, I just said..." I started, but my
sentence fell short as Xichen watched me
blandly through the glass.

"I want to see where Yibo works." He said. I just sighed and got in the car.

"Alright, just don't complain to me when you get bored." I warned him.

The place was calm when we arrived, with very few cars around. Xichen and I got out of the car and headed for the entrance. The doorbell went off as we entered. I'd forgotten it was there, it had been a while since I'd last been to Yibo's workplace.

"Welcome!" Yibo's boss which I forgot the name came over, greeting us.

"Oh, I remember ya!" She exclaimed. raising a finger.

"You're Yibo's friend, arent'cha?" She asked after a moment of pondering.

"Uh yeah." I confirmed. We're friends, aren't we? I'd like to think so.

"Is he here with ya? Its almost time for him to come in." She asked, studying a piece of paper on her clipboard.

"About that... I came here to tell you that he may need some time off." Worry crossed her face as I finished my sentence.

"Why, is there a problem? I-Is he okay?" She questioned, lowering her clipboard.

"He's fine, just... a lot's happened." I sighed.

"Everything seemed okay when he came in yesterday. What happened?" Sandra asked in a concerned tone. I recalled her name after reading the name tag pinned on the apron.

"I-I don't know if that's for me to tell. You might have to ask him yourself the next time he comes in, assuming you'll keep his position here." I said, trying to respect Yibo's privacy. I don't know if he wants to keep anything under wraps or not but as I said it's not my place to tell.

"I.. I see." Disappointment and sorrow rang in her voice.

"Before ya two go let me treat you to something, anything you'd like." She offered. I was about to decline hoping I could return home to see Yibo sooner but Xichen quickly accepted, taking a seat.

As we were waiting for our meals the door
bell went off, drawing everyone's attention. In walked a long black-haired girl wearing a flat expression. She almost reminded me of my older sister. I think I've seen her around the school before. She tries to stay away from any attention so she doesn't stick out like a lot of people. From what I remember though she was one of the students who used to get in a lot of trouble around school.

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