
706 45 3

Yibo's Pov.

"So how long is Cindy's suspension?" I
remembered to ask, on the ride to work.

"Well, since summer break is just about here her suspension will continue a couple of months after school begins." Xichen answered.

"That's music to my ears." Zhan mumbled
blandly. Him and Xichen continued the
conversation while my thoughts drifted
elsewhere. I was preparing myself for work. What'll happen when I walk through that front door? My hands were beginning to feel clammy.

"We're here." Zhan notified, pulling into the driveway of the cozy-looking diner. I took a large breath before stepping out of the car.

"You'll be fine." Zhan assured, resting a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled.

My hand landed on the handle of the door and waited there for a long second. I pushed it open, taking a step inside. The sound of the bell got Sandra's attention. Her eyes lit up when she realized it was me who came in.

"My, It's been so lonely here without ya!"
Sandra greeted me in her heavy southern accent while taking my hands in hers. A bashful smile captured my appearance, my
eyes drifting to the side.

"I'm happy to have ya back." She said
releasing her grip and giving me a friendly

"I'm happy to be back. And I'm very sorry for the extended break."

"Where ya been all this time?" She asked the one question I was hoping she wouldn't ask.

"Umm..." I started awkwardly. I didn't want to tell her about what happened, I am trying to leave it in the past. "Well... some things were going on in my personal life. I... don't want to talk about it." I explained hesitantly, playing with my fingers out of habit.

"Oh it's alright you don't gotta tell me nothing!" She ended the conversation with a dismissive wave. I was relieved, though I didn't show it. It seemed like she already had an idea of what was going on, though it could've just been me.

I settled down behind the counter after putting on my little apron. No one was coming in. With all of that free time, my mind was going over all of the ways I could ask to leave work early. I really didn't want to upset Sandra, but I didn't want to upset Yanli either. I mean, she already seems to dislike me as is.

I almost leaped back a foot when Sarah snapped me out of my thoughts as she leaned on the counter.

"Are you doing okay?" Sarah asked in a dull, yet a friendly sort of way. I nodded in response. Her question took me by surprise since it seems like she doesn't care about others much, let alone start a conversation. A sheepish smile crept onto my face when I realized she was stepping out of her shell.

"I'm just glad everything is settled." I sighed in relief. "You were a big help Sarah, and I've been meaning to thank you for that." I told her, my smile growing.

"I was just doing what I felt was right." She replied, wearing a dull half smile.

I turned my head when the door behind us
opened. Sandra stepped out and walked into the main room. I felt now was the perfect time to ask her.

"Sandra?" I called.

"Yeah?" She responded looking over, and
coming up to the counter.

"I know I've just returned after all of this time, and I don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage, but... can I head home early?" I hesitantly squeezed out. "You don't have to include today in the paycheck." I informed her.

Requital hopeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें