Twenty-nine: the beginning of love, betrayal, sadness, and happiness.

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Zhan's Pov.

"Welcome home, how was your trip?!" My mom yelled bursting out the door before I could even make it to the entrance.

"It was fine mom." I sigh in frustration. The trip was more than fine, it was amazing actually, I just wanted to get rid of her.

"Tell me everything that happened!" She beamed, grabbing my hands and pulling me inside. I just let myself get pulled, with a long groan. I should have known I couldn't shake her that easily.

"Dear, Zhan's returned!" She yelled through the house. Not too long after my father showed his face, adding to my disappointment even more. I just wanted to make it to my room without being spotted by these crazy lunatics. You think I would've gotten used to their antics by now but nope, they somehow manage to surprise me to this day.

"How was my son's trip?!" My father chuckles while wrapping an arm around my neck almost forcing me to the floor.

"It was fine!" I repeat, raising my voice. "I can tell you had a lot of fun. You look excited." My father spouts. I mentally groan. Look who's talking.

"Can I go to my room now?" I question them angrily.

"Come come, tell us what happened." My mother drags me over to the couch in the living room, gesturing her hand for me to sit down. I groaned out loud this time. They have to be doing this on purpose. I'm already missing that quiet, dark cabin.
and Yibo, yes Yibo. I hope I see him at school tomorrow.

Yibo's Pov.

I ran down the road towards my house in the dingy-looking neighborhood. The area always felt so damp and eerie, I guess that's the reason there's mold growing everywhere. Running to my house with my mountain-sized bag was like running an uphill marathon.

My world froze when I finally reached the steps to my house, or apartment rather. I crept up the stairs to the deck as quietly as possible, hoping to be void of my father. didn't need a black eye before school. I placed my hand on the handle of the door,
it stayed that way for a couple of minutes going over the possibilities that could take place. I just decided to open it. I crept in and slowly shut the door behind me. I think I died a little when I heard someone clearing their voice.

"Why haven't I seen you recently?" My father spoke in a deep dull tone, setting my nerves on edge.

"I... I guess we've just been missing each other." I responded quietly, staring at the floor under me.

"Or you've been avoiding me." He corrected me. A ton was lifted off of my shoulders when I realized he might not know where I was. Instead of responding, I stayed silent since I didn't know how to respond to his accusation. I heard his footsteps approach me and I tensed up. I felt a sharp pain glide across my face, he'd slapped me.

"Are you ignoring me?" He yelled, making me jump in my spot.

"N-no, I'm sorry." I continued speaking in a hushed, nervous voice.

"Tsk..." Was all that escaped his teeth before he shoved me out of the way. He left the house slamming the old door behind him. I released a huge breath while clutching my chest. If he were drunk I know he wouldn't have let me off so
easily. I didn't wait for him to return, I immediately headed for the stairs and into my bedroom. It seemed to be a lot more trashed since I'd been in it last. I guess this was my father's way of coping without anyone to beat on. I cleaned my carpet of
torn books and shattered glass.

My bed has never looked so discomforting. I sat my bag next to it and unpacked all my things. I hid all of the books under my bed so my father wouldn't get a hold of them. I brushed my teeth and headed to bed, skipping my nonexistent dinner. I drifted to sleep with thoughts of the trip still on my mind. I have friends. I can't believe it. Zhan is extra special to me though. He's the most thoughtful, caring person since my grandparents. That's why I've fallen in love with him. That's... why.... I've fallen- Oh crap, I have! I didn't mean for this to happen! I knew nothing more would come out of our friendship, but I still fall for him. Why am I so stupid, couldn't I have just settled for a normal friendship? I fell asleep with my face completely red at these thoughts, both from frustration and the thought of Zhan.

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