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It was coming from the bridge. I crept over, trying not to draw attention. I saw a dark figure moving towards the edge of the bridge. There wasn't enough light to make out who it was. When I realized what they were doing I called out to them.

"Hey, w-what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled in a hushed voice, hoping not to startle them. Their head snapped toward me. They quickly back up from the edge. I approached slowly, hoping to see their face. I pulled out my phone and guarded it against the rain while using it as a source of light. It seemed like the world had frozen over when I saw who it was standing there. It was Yibo, he was covered head to toe in cuts and bruises.

"Yibo?" I called in disbelief. He looked tired, scared, and sad. Rain soaked his hair and ran down his cheeks, but even then I still could tell he'd been crying, the puffiness under his eyes gave it away. I found my body moving towards him on its own, but as I approached he stepped backward. He stumbled onto the ground whimpering from the pain. He scrambled backward on the ground, trying to get away from me, but I had no idea why. He
can't be this scared of me after I snapped at him, right? It's not like I pushed him hard enough to hurt him. right? Even though I knew he didn't want me near him I could stop myself from moving. He curled up, and backed into a pole.

"I-I'm sorry!" He repeatedly cried looking up at me, frightened. Even after all that's happened my heart ached to see him like this. When I got close enough I saw that he was shaking violently. He was soaked from head to toe, his clothes sticking to his frame. I felt a lump in my throat as I saw how bad the extent of his cuts and bruises were. I knelt in front of him and wrapped my arms around his quivering body. He stiffened at first then began to relax as we sat like that for a while, though his cries became more pronounced, staining my shirt as he laid his face onto my chest. I placed my jacket over him to keep him warm. His small hands grasped at the front of my shirt as I slowly moved a hand up and down his back. My reality seemed to crack seeing him in such a poor state. Is this my fault?

Could I have been wrong about him? Was I the reason he was trying to take his life? I don't know... I guess I'll find out soon enough. All I could do right now was hold him tight. I couldn't fathom the thought of someone taking their life... especially if I'm involved.

"C'mon, let me take you home." I said softly.

"Let me do this Zhan... let me finish what I came here to do." He whimpered, tightening his grip on my shirt.

"Y-you can't!" I replied nervously. Why would he want to go through with this?

"Why not?" He said, noticeably upset.

"Think about all of the things you have to live for... think about all of the people who would be sad if you took your life." I tried to convince him.

"I have." He responded after a silent moment, with more tears following soon after. I pondered for a second and realized what he meant, this was already the outcome of what I told him to consider. I pulled him closer, trying not to touch any of his cuts.

"Just... let me end this." He choked.


"Please! There's nothing left for me here..." He begged. Even so, I could tell deep down he didn't want this, no one did.

"Yibo, I'll give you something to live for." I promised, though I had no idea what I was going to do, I just wanted him to feel better, I wanted him to have hope.

"Just... let me bring you to the hospital at least." I sighed, worried he wouldn't accept. He didn't, he refused with a silent head shake.

Time passed as we sat under the pouring rain. The cold drops hitting my back became almost non-existent, as did everything else, besides Yibo in my arms. It was completely night, nothing was visible other than the boy in front of me.

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