Chapter 2

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Putting away the knife I grabbed the box and brought it inside. It was much smaller than the last one, so I hoped I didn’t get any other unexpected surprises. “MRRROOOWWW!”. Blinking uncertainly at the box, I decided to open it and.......... four sets of eyes blinked back at me........... why........... why more? What did I do to get this much babysitting? What really weirded me out, was that all of them had the same colours although in different patterns. Yellow and black. At least not a piss haired yellow more like a banana yellow. Gently picking them up I prepared to get scratched and bitten, but surprisingly they were docile and even leaned into my touch. Scratching the golden eyed one who purred under my touch I decided to bring them some food since they were hungry. “Here you go boys. Eat up". They gladly obeyed and started to dig into the single bowl of cat food, devouring it in seconds. “Awww! Adorable! Now, we need to name ye".


Chome- Swirls

Chozi- Lazy

Kazutora- Tiger

“There ye go! Now, how about I see if the others are already awake hm?”. Deciding to go and wake up the other ones, I was met with a lot of yours and hissing as they all prevented me from leaving. “*sigh* Fine. I’ll stay. Want to play?”. “MRROOWW!”.


I didn’t understand anything about what was going on. One minute, I was lying asleep on my bed in juvie and the next, I woke up in a dark box with paws and a tail. Thank god Chonbo, Chome and Chozi were there with me. Although they too, didn’t understand anything that was happening. They were also supposed to be back in their cells in juvie. What was going on? Although........... I don’t regret it since we were picked up by such a nice lady. She was so kind and caring, she even showed me affection, even though most people would hate me for my looks but it seems......... that she didn’t care. She fawned over me more than the other three which made me feel warm and fuzzy inside........... am I in love?......... I’ve never felt love towards anyone before....... especially since my parents weren’t the best out there. “Hey! Who are you four?”. Turning around I froze as I saw........ “Mikey?”. Why is he here? Is he trying to steal her away from me?! Wait........ what am I saying? She’s nothing to me right now. All she did was take us in and show me affection......wait....... I shouldn’t be angry at Mikey. He did forgive me........ for what I did to Baji. And also for what I did to......... Shinichiro. “K-kazutora?”. I froze at that voice......... Baji?......... it couldn’t be...... I thought I killed him. “Kazutora, its me". “B-baji?”. Turning around I froze before my eyes filled with tears. Even though he looked absolutely ridiculous, being fluffy and all, I still couldn’t believe that he was still alive. “H-how?”. “I didn’t die Kazutora. The medics arrived before I could actually die........ I didn’t tell you since I was afraid of how you’d react", he muttered sadly as he bowed his head in shame. “Kazutora I- Ugh!”. Not even giving him a moment to react I jump on top of him and start sobbing into his fluffy fur. “Don’t apologise you dumbass! I’m just glad that you’re alive!”. “AWWW! KAWAI!”. I just hid my flushed face in Baji's fur. How could I face her when she looked so cute? Those pouty lips and flushed face......... I started to get dark thoughts and saw that everyone else wasn’t guilt free either. “Now, lets all go for a walk outside, shall we?”. All of us perked up at the word outside, since we didn’t even know where we were. We could be on the other side of the world for all we knew. Even though Valhalla lost to Toman, they didn’t start anything with Chonbo, Chome and Chozi. Which I was thankful for. I pray that nothing goes wrong on our walk.

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