Chapter 28

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My trip back home wasn't as pleasant as I thought it would be.

All my thoughts were jumbled up, not allowing me to focus on my goal. Tomorrow I can sort everything out, today I need to take a breather from what I discovered.

Entering the house, I put everything in their respected places and went to grab a snack in the kitchen.

If anyone asked me something, I was probably too zoned out to pay any attention. Taking my comfort food I snuck upstairs and locked myself in there, to cry about life and its problems.

Putting on some news channel, I mindlessly stared at the screen.


Blinking a few times after witnessing Naja's state, I decided to go and see what could've turned her into a blank slate.

When she got back I was pretty thankful as the past few hours were hellish, with Izana and Mikey ready to rip each others throat out. Hanma was egging them oh with Ran and Kisaki was looking on, looking like an evil mastermind.

Seeing the door was locked, I entered through her open window by scaling a tree. Naja was sitting cross legged on her bed, the screen showing a newschannel as she looked straight through it.

I crawled into her lap, wanting to comfort her as her hand automatically went to pet me. A subtle purr erupted out of me as I just stayed there. We continued to stay like that for a while with her trailing her fingers through my fur. Until someone just had to interrupt us.



Getting knocked out of my emotionless state, I get up and nearly drop Rindou, catching him right before he made contact with the ground. Since when was he here?


"I'm coming, I'm coming". Unlocking the door I came face to face with Izana". Well, face to face was a bit exaggerated. It was more like looking down at a chihuahua. Without a word he just grabbed Rindou by the scruff of his neck and flung him outside the room.

I was just standing there, mouth agape as Izana marched into the room and locked the door. There was a frown marring his face and he drilled a hole through my skull.

I'm pretty sure I didn't offend him but what could I have possibly done wrong? "Are you okay?".




"Who are you and what did you do to Izana?". "I'm being serious". "So am I. What are you?". Now he's scowling. Pretty sure he's going through the five stages of anger. Or was that grief? Meh.

"You came back looking like Emma and Hinata got run over by a truck and locked yourself up in your room, and you expect for us to ignore that?". "Um, yes?". "Even though we're complete strangers, we could never let you stay like that since you've taken us in and cared for us. Even when you didn't know who we were".

Suddenly I got the urge to pinch his cheeks and acted impulsively.

"OW! Let goh oh ma face!". "You're so adorable". "Lemme go!". "Aww". Letting go I could see a faint blush covering his cheeks. Now I know his weakness mwuahhahahaha!

"Dinner will be ready soon". Off he goes. I admit, I may have had a slight mental breakdown but I'm totally okay now! First I'll go check up on my cats... and Rindou.

Heading downstairs I see that all the cats were still divided by their gangs with Hina, Emma, Yuzuha and Senju having a meeting by themselves in a corner. Imma find out later what they were whispering about.

"Naja!". Smiley somehow launched himself into the air somehow but missed and landed on my face with his ehem ehem way too close to my face to be coincidence. "Whoopsies. Sorry".

I managed to drag him off my face somehow and picked up Souya instead. "I missed you my chid". "She always shows favouritism". So in the end I was holding not just Souya but also Nahoya, Sanzu, Shion, Ran and a few more until I collapsed onto the couch from all that weight. Pretty sure it was just Taiju and Mochi who were heavy. "Ugh, you guys need to go easy on that tuna".


"Is that carbonara I smell?". "Finally". Guess we all worked up an appetite huh.

I can't do this. Maybe I can call in sick? But I'm already at work. Okay deep breaths, I can do this... probably. Locking my car I ran towards the building like my ass was on fire because my dumb ass brain forgot to bring an umbrella.

Trying not to get caught by any of the workers, I quietly sneaked into my office and breathed out a sigh of relief once I collapsed onto my chair.

"Naja". Bad encounter number one is a go. "C-can I help you Giyu?". "Yes. All of these need to be done as fast possible and sent to him". "Sure".

I have a better plan, how about I work as slowly as possible and don't give them to the boss?

I was left alone in the office and started working on the looming pile of documents. Someone really likes to type these out and probably has way too much free time on their hands. How many documents do you need for one thing?

Douma and Akaza couldn't make it in today so I had the whole day to myself. Between making paper planes and getting snacks, I still had to fill everything out and send it to Muzan.

Crossing my fingers and praying he wasn't there, gave me enough courage to enter his office. Hallelujah, he wasn't there so I placed the documents and was ready to book out of there until his computer screen caught my attention.

Now I knew Muzan wasn't the brightest of people but is he dumb enough to leave an email open for everyone to see? From yesterday I already knew Muzan was one of my old childhood friends and possibly part of Bonten but I didn't expect for him to be one of the top members as well.

Better get out of her before I get... caught... Well that's already a fail. I didn't even realise Muzan was in the room. "Didn't your parents tell you not to snoop?".

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