Chapter 5

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I was just relaxing at my house after searching for Hakkai, when everything went dark. When I came to, I was in what looked like a box. “The hell?! What’s going on!?”. “Mmmm. Shut up, Boss”. My head snapped to the side as I saw two kittens curled up beside each other, the black one staring at me with slitted pupils. Wait a sec………. How the hell did I fit in a box? And who spoke to me. “You just gonna stand there boss? Not even a hello?”, asked the kitten while tilting its head. “WHA?! Koko? Why the hell are you a cat!?”. “You should look in a mirror Boss. Your worse than a cat”, he sneered. Can a cat sneer? Looking at myself I tried not to freak out as I saw my small body, paws, and blue fur covering me. “Koko. What the fuck happened to us?”. “Your guess is as good as mine boss. Me and Inui here were at the battle of Tenjiku. We blacked out and appeared here. Inui’s still  asleep”. We both froze as we heard the sound of a door being unlocked. “What the hell is going on!?”, I shouted as the box we were in was picked up. Now I know what an earthquake feels like. I felt my soul leave my body as a knife plunged down, inches from my nose. I kept still as it cut in a straight line, and the two parts were flipped open. Then…………… “HEY! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME! BRING IT ON MOTHERFUCKER!”, I shouted as I leaned over the side. “AAAAAHHHHHH!”. I paused for a moment as I saw a lady staring at me in fright, until Koko decided to calm the situation. “Boss! Calm down already! Inupi’s still sleeping!”. “Adorable!”, squeezed the lady, with hearts in her eyes as I saw movement behind her. I saw Hakkai and squinted at him. “Hakkai! Thank God you’re here! Where the hell are we and why are we animals!? Do you know how worried me and Yuzuha were?! We searched everywhere for y—AH!”. “Hey! Just cause you’re big and ugly doesn’t mean you have the right to growl at my pets!”, announced the tall lady as she grabbed a nearby broom. I swallowed a lump in my throat as she started chasing me with it. “HAH!? WHO YOU CALLIN BIG AND UGLY!? Ah! Hakkai! Get her to stop! PLEASE! LADY CALM DOWN! I was only talking to my brother!”. The birch chased me around for a hood ten minutes, until Hakkai stepped in. Putting on an adorable face, he got the lady to calm down with an “AWWWW! You’re so cute!”, and walked off. Leaving me on the floor with huge red lumps. “Now let’s, get ya’ll some food, then we’ll name the new kids". I’m not a kid lady! And what about an apology!? “How’re you Boss? Just woke up. Wow! What are those huge lumps on your head?”, asked Inui as he walked over. “Huhuhu. Koko. Get Inui outta here before I decide to get angry!”, I sobbed dramatically as Kokonoi took Inui away with a “Let go”.


WHY. What did I do, to end up on this couch, next to a lady who named me bluebell. Was beating with a broom in front of my sibling, Koko and Inui not enough? We’re the proud bruises I displayed, not enough? This is what Shiba Taiju, former leader of the black dragons has come to. A domestic tiger, by the name of Bluebell, who sat on a couch with a bunch of other felines, watching Naruto. I was honestly ready to kill myself as Inui and Kokonoi snickered at my suffering. Even though I warmed up to the lady, I still can’t forgive her for this morning. “Don’t be sad Boss. It’s just life. Some are named after precious objects like money, and some, are named bluebell cause-”“SHADD’ UP!”. Yup. And that’s how my first day went in this house. And don’t even get me started on the company. A 14 year old brat who acted like a toddler. A banana coloured explosion who always cackled maniacally and kept muttering. “It was all his fault”. A cat with scars who kept staring at the Naja with pout blinking. Yeah. I finally learned her name. I didn’t want to keep calling her ‘that lady’, so I asked Hakkai. I’m just thankful that she let me, Koko and Inui sleep with her tonight. I didn’t want to hear those others snoring, so I just accepted her offer and fell asleep instantly when my head hit the pillow.

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