Chapter 24

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I honestly don't know how Akaza and Douma managed to land a job here, even though they were part of Bonten.

Although not much is actually known about the upper ranks of Bonten so no wonder they got in. But why here?

If they were to take out my brother, surely they would go to his side of the station? Unless... they would try to get close to me and find out where he usually is?

Nah. Too much effort for them. So why? Then there was Giyu. Oh boy did I hate that guy. He has always been a substitute here and we never get along.

He's always been as stubborn as a rock and always went against me. I propose an idea, he declines it. I state a fact, he denies it. He's always been a thorn in my side so I try to make sure Daki rarely leaves the station. Guess I wasn't that lucky this time.

"Hello, Tomioka". "Hello! It's nice to meet a beauty such as yourself. I'm Douma and this is Akaza, we're now in you're care!", beamed the blonde as he wrapped his arms around my waist, snuggling into my side. "Um, okay. I'm Naja. We don't have any urgent calls today so your first task is to clean out the filing cabinets".

"Huh? Isn't that your job?". "Wow. So you can speak, what a shocker", I roll my eyes as Giyu decided to speak. "And no. That was Daki's job and yours. Yet every time I go there, it's a cluttered mess. That's your task newbies, don't disappoint. I'll be sending documents to the boss".

"Awww! But I wanna do something dangerous", pouted Douma as Akaza rolled his eyes at his childish behaviour. Turning to them with a face like Giyu's I say "Oh, but it is dangerous. If you're not careful... you might get a papercut".

Then I left those three to their work. Delivering the paperwork to Mr Muzan wasn't that hard, so I took the stack and headed to his office. It was a peaceful walk as most were in their offices or gone on a mission.

Arriving at the office, I knock before sitting down hearing a "Just a minute". I was growing slightly impatient as my foot began to tap after several minutes.


"I'll be seeing you later, Muzan", said a man with long black hair as he came out in an indigo kimono. He gave a single look before leaving.

"Come in, Naja". Grabbing the stack of papers I had set down earlier, I entered the office and set them on Muzan's desk. "Here is the summary of the mission yesterday as well as the other papers you had requested".

"Good. Good. I assume there are no problems occurring with you and Giyu working together? I don't want anything to happen such as last time, understood?", he frowned at me.

Ah yes, last time. How could I forget? Last time we couldn't agree on a way to proceed with a mission and might have accidently trashed the whole station.

We were then suspended after being punished with the restoration of the station. Our pockets took quite the hit. An even bigger hit was when we weren't allowed to take big cases for a few months.

It was quite an embarrassment for me when Naoto found out and shouted at me over the phone for two hours. Then for another three hours when he finally broke into my house after I had barricaded the door.

"Yes boss". "Good. Now go and watch over the new recruits. I wish to speak to you after you've finished your shift". Quietly leaving, I headed back to our office to see Douma bawling his eyes out and Akaza ready to throw out the filing cabinet.

"Do I wanna know what happened?". "Sorry boss but the papercuts! They burn so badly!", cried Douma as he fell near my feet. "I never wanna see another filing cabinet ever again", muttered Akaza as he cursed under his breath quietly.

"I tried to warn them", spoke Giyu as he was relaxing behind his desk. Smug bastard. Is he trying to make me look bad? If I don't train these guys well enough it might become a stain on my record. I already had to live with the incident from last time.

Does he have something against me? What did I ever do to him? Is he trying to get me kicked out of the station? Although what would be his reason for it?

"How about you guys get those cuts cleaned up. There's a medic kit in the third drawer in the cupboard", I gestured as I looked at their sad forms.

From members of Bonten to the underdogs of the police force. How sad for them. I almost feel sorry, key word, almost. If it wasn't for the fact that they were murders I would've laughed at their pathetic state. But I don't want an early death.

Patching them up, I let them take a small break before giving them the task to reorganise the drawers. There wasn't much in them except for some books, a few pieces of clothing and random items.

We went on with our day, completing random tasks around the station that were given to us. The afternoon came around and we went to a nearby café to eat.

"All the stuff here looks delicious!", squealed Douma as we entered the small building. "Settle down Douma. For gods sake, why are you like this". The two went back and forth for a bit as me and Giyu ordered food.

I got a few toasted sandwiches and a cup of coffee. Giyu also took sandwiches with salmon and winter radishes with a cup of water. The other two were still at the counter so we went and took our seats.

"So Naja. How have you been since our last encounter". "I was doing good, until you came along". "If this is about what happened last time, then you're at fault. You should've just followed my plan. It was of course better than yours". "Why you son of a-". "We're back!".

Getting cut off by Douma I decided not to respond any further on Giyu's comment as it was beneath me to do what he wanted.

"Thank you for the food! Let's eat".

After our lunch break we headed back to the station until our work was done. "See you tomorrow Naja!". "Thank you, goodbye". Giyu didn't even glance at me as he left. Remembering Muzan's wish to see me after work, I headed back to his office with my bag in tow.

*Knock knock*

"Come in". Entering the office, I saw Muzan also ready to leave. "Ah, I see you've finally arrived. I take it that the two recruits have been doing well?". "Indeed. They've followed each order without hesitation".

"Good good. I called you here to discuss the incident between you and Giyu. I'm concerned it might cause another accident which wouldn't be good on you record thus I might be forced to fire you".

"So I would like for you to repair your relationship with Giyu as soon as possible in order to prevent such a thing from happening. Understood?". "Yes sir". "That's not the only reason I called you here. *Sigh*. Would you be kind enough to accept my invitation to dinner?".





"Say what now?".

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