Chapter 4

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Washing my eyes, I head down for another weekend since it was Sunday. Making sure not to wake up my lovelies, I make myself a cup of coffee and head onto the porch, and funny thing was, a bouquet of black and red roses tied with a ribbon, lay in front of me. Nobody could've sent it to me, since the only person I knew was my brother Naoto. So who the hell sent me the flowers of love? Opening to small card attached to it, it said-

To out beloved little flower,

It has been years our little flower, and we finally found you again. Have you forgotten about us? For now we shall keep our identities a secret in-case you decide to do something irrational. We hope you've been faring well without us, for we weren't able to find you for over 2 decades. We see you've finally gotten some pets, you've always loved cute, adorable things right? We'll meet in person soon enough, so don't worry your pretty little head over something like not knowing our identities. You'll remember soon.


Your faithful servants.

What the hell? Looking around I quickly went back home and locked door. What psychopaths are stalking me? And what do they mean by have I forgotten them? I never had any friends, or loved ones. I was single and a virgin so definitely not a lover, since I was never in a relationship. So who is looking for me? *ding dong!* Looking at the door with apprehension, I look through the eye piece and see another box on the steps. Seriously? Is these are more cats, I'm gonna flip out. Who the hell is sending me these animals, I'm not a zoo keeper I'm a police officer. Unlocking the door with a weary sighing, I pick up the box and nearly drop it from the weight. It can't be a kitten, right? Its way too fucking heavy. Getting it inside, I lock the door once again before getting a knife. Cutting open the box............. "MRRRROOOWWW!". "AAAAAHHHHH!", I screamed in fright as a tiger jumped out. No fucking way am I keeping this thing as a pet! For some reason, the tiger was blue, with pale blue stripes. And it was also not a grown up yet, which means it'll be heavier than it already is. "Meow! Meow!". Creeping around the tiger as it watched me closely, I looked inside the box, and saw two adorable little kittens! One a sunflower yellow with a burn patch on its face, and a black one with slitted pupils.............. "Adorable!". "GRRRRR!". Flinching at the tigers growl, I was taken aback as I realised it wasn't directed at me. He was growling at Azure, who was frozen and cowering on the spot. "Hey! Just cause you're big and ugly doesn't mean you have the right to growl at my pets!", I shout as I grab a broom. And start beating him on the head as he ran around, yowling at me.


I was having the loveliest dream, about ice cream and clouds, until I got woken up by the shrill scream of Naja. "Ugh....... what happened in the morning to get her screaming like that?", questioned Peh as he groggily woke up. "Who knows, lets go check it out", ordered Mikey as most if us went to see what the ruckus was about. I froze as I saw a large blue striped tiger in the middle of our living room. But that wasn't what made me freeze, it was Taiju's familiar voice. "Hakkai! Thank God you're here! Where the hell are we and why are we animals!? Do you know how worried me and Yuzuha were?! We searched everywhere for y-AH!". I broke out of my trance as he was hit on the head by a broom. "Hey! Just cause you're big and ugly doesn't mean you have the right to growl at my pets!". "HAH!? WHO YOU CALLIN BIG AND UGLY!? Ah! Hakkai! Get her to stop!", my older brother screamed as he got chased around by a broom. Who knew he'd be this afraid by an angry woman with a broom? "Well, it seems that we've got some newbies, lets go and greet Inui and Kokonoi", spoke Kazutora as he kitty grinned and sauntered towards the curled up duo. "Please lady! Stop!". Going over to Naja, I put on an adorable face and got her to stop whacking Taiju, he was rolling around crying as conical lumps on his head shone red, like beacons. "AWWWW! You're so cute!", squealed Naja as she picked me up and carried me away. "Now let's, get ya'll some food, then we'll name the new kids". Nodding happily, I curl up next to her neck and doze off.


After feeding the cats and feeding myself, I sat in front of the three new cats + tiger, and thought about the names. After some pondering, I ended up with this.

Taiju- Bluebell


Kokonoi- Money

I honestly called bluebell, bluebell just to tease him and named the black one money cause he smelled like it. "Now, how about we all relax and get to know each other, hm?". So we spent the afternoon curled up on my couch watching anime's. Yes me and bluebell had our disagreements, but I'm pretty sure I wormed my way into his cold heart.

I'll be on Hiatus till the 21st of November cause of exams. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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