Chapter 21

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Arriving at my workstation, I already saw Daki working vigorously. By that I mean she was trying to wrench a piece of paper that got stuck in the photocopier. Get out, damnit!. Need help?, I snickered as I rested my stuff on my desk. Ugh. Please. This thing needs to get replaced by the boss as quick as possible, or else we wont be able to work. Carefully pulling the paper back and forth, I managed to get it out after a few minutes. There. Thanks. I can finally get back to working So, how was your meeting with my brother?, she smiled coyly as I pushed her away and went back to my desk, opening my files. It was good. Seems like a nice guy. Thats it? Oh come on! Let me in on the details!. Hesitating, I thought for a second before deciding to let her in. We decided to meet up again. Thats it?. He kissed my hand. He likes you! Maybe Ill have some nieces and nephews running around soon that I can doll up!, she cheered as I went an unhealthy shade of red. Shut up nothing might happen between us. Uhuh. Even you dont believe that, Daki raised an eyebrow as she went back to her desk. Anyways, its time to get back to work. We got the location of one of Bontens most regularly visited clubs. Our job is to go undercover and get more information. What are we going undercover as?, I dared to ask, although I wasnt sure Id like to know the answer. As waitresses! We already got job confirmations and today is our first day, better get ready, cause were going tonight at seven. We continued throughout the day filing in some reports and writing out documents and papers for people until we were free to go. The address is in Roppongi in the Uzui block. Club Midnight is the name of it. Come five minutes early and dont be late, Daki explained curtly as I nodded to show my understanding. Roppongi was one of the worst places in Japan. If a red district was a city, it would be Roppongi and Uzui Block was the worst block of the city. Its named after the person who owned that part of the city, Tengen Uzui. Hes rumoured to have three wives that he forced into marriage, and was one of the many reasons Roppongi is what it is at this day. A city full of drug dealing, prostitution, contraband, arms and anything else you can think of. He made it all. Hes also a part of Bonten, not the top dog but still a good person to start with.

Im back!, I call out as I lock the door behind me. Hm? Youre early today, commented Mitsuya as my eyes swivelled away from him. Y-yeah. I need to go back later again though. Just back to rest up a bit. Whats up with all the boxes then?, squinted Izana at the few cardboard boxes I dragged in with me. Furniture. Im gonna fix up some of the rooms for you guys. I havent been the best host have I?, I winced as guilt once again consumed me. Ive been letting them sleep in the living room without even thinking to offer them any rooms. Its not your fault Naja. Besides, youve already done more than enough. After all, you havent thrown us out and youve let us use whatevers in this house, assured Kakucho as I felt my eyes start to water. But-. No buts. Now lets help you get all this stuff upstairs. I walked upstairs after all of them and told them in what rooms to set down the boxes. Thanks. Ill get to setting up the rooms then, I smiled at all of them as I looked at the few rooms I had to do. No problem. Let me and Sanzu help you though. Weve got nothing to do as it is, offered Draken as I lightly blush. Are you sure?. Positive. The rest need to help Kakucho with the cooking and looking after the others so they wont kill each other. Okay then. The others went back downstairs while I was left with Draken and Sanzu. Alright. Can you help me unpack and assemble a cupboard for each room?. Mhm. We got to unpackaging the boxes and the two helped me out a ton, making things proceed much faster. Naja, pass me the wrench please. Here. It took us around two hours to put together the furniture and put in place and halfway throughout it both Sanzu and Draken took off their shirts, claiming it was too hot. Trying to not let my eyes wander was much more challenging than I thought it would be, but Im pretty sure I managed it. Next we cleaned up all the rooms and put on new sheets and blankets on the beds. Alltogether it took around three and a half hours, just enough for Kakucho to finish dinner. Its ready!. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it, I thanked Sanzu and Draken as we headed to the kitchen. No worries. We were happy to help. Mhm. I used to help a lot where I lived so its not really anything new. Sending Draken a glance, I wanted to ask about where he was from but I didnt want to be nosy so I dropped it. Were done with all the rooms so all of you can choose one and use it as long as youre here. The beds are all made and there are adjacent bathrooms to some of them, I stated as I took a plate of risotto from Kakucho. Thank you but we were okay sleeping in the living room since we were uninvited, smiled Kakucho as all of us started to eat the soft rice. I cant just let guests sleep in the living room and I didnt even think to offer you any other place to stay. Naja. Its okay. Stop beating yourself up over it. Youve been a better host than most people wouldve been. By the way, where are you going later on. Ah. Ive got to do some investigating for our case. I have to work at a club where one of the criminal thats part of a dangerous organisation, and I was only informed a few hours ago about this, I hum as I shovel the risotto onto my spoon. Isnt that dangerous?. Yeah. Arent you afraid youll get hurt?, frowned Mikey as all of them looked at me worriedly. Its my job. Im used to it. Thanks for the food, it was delicious. Im gonna check on the others, I nodded at them as I took my plate to the sink and went to the sitting room. Tenjiku was once again brawling with the other Toman members while the others were just watching on. Theyre at it again, commented Taiju as he prowled over and curled up on my lap. Who fired it up this time?. Baji as always. *sigh*. What am I going to have to do with him?. Well, you could always throw him out. Yknow, its just a suggestion. Nope. Im not throwing anybody out. I need to be a good host. You could always ask me. No thanks. Im gonna go in a while so could you keep an eye on things. Sure. No breaking bones Taiju. Am I understood?. Yup. Break it up you guys!, I holler at the fighting balls of fur as they all obeyed. Naja!, chirped Senju as he ran up to me. Carelessly jumping on Taiju and onto my shoulder, he ignored his increasing anger as he snuggled up to me. Hey Senju. I missed you too. Did you miss me, love?. No Ran. I could go a few more days without seeing your ugly face, I beam with closed eyes. Did you miss me?. Of course as did arid our my son. Pfft. Look how the tables have turned. Ran looks absolutely destroyed right now, I heard Kazutora snicker as I petted Chonbo, Chome and Chozi. By the way, have you guys seen Hanma anywhere?, I questioned while looking at them. Um who wants to tell her?. Not it. How about Takemitchy does it?. Yeah! Go on Takemitchy!. You can do it!. Oh god what did they do to him. Takemichi was pushed out front and centre to tell me about Hanma, him stuttering and shaking all the while. W-well you see. H-Hanma is getting a bit of an air drying. Define air drying. H-hes out the back. Putting Senju down I headed to the sliding doors that led me to a back yard. There, on the clothing line hung a soaking wet Hanma, his fur matted and being held on by clothes pegs. Naja! Help me!. What did you do?. I didnt do anything! Draken and the rest are bullying me!. Uhuh. Im gonna help you just this once. Naja youre an angel sent from Valhalla!. Ew. Stop that or else Im throwing you into the neighbours yard. Ill shut up now. Grabbing Hanma, I take off the begs and head inside, grabbing a towel from a pile and started to dry him off. He starts to purr the second my hands land on his fur but I dont pay much attention to him. My phone started buzzing with my alarm just as I was finishing up. Kay. Thats as much as I can do. Dont make anybody else angry, got it? Im off on an assignment. Kay sweetheart. Hope you kick some ass, he grinned cheekily before he prowled away to the rest of the group. Shaking my head I go to grab my stuff before saying goodbye to everyone. Theres groceries in the fridge and the you can do whatever you want. Just please dont cause a ruckuss. Ill be back as soon as possible. Shutting the door behind me, I drove off with the car to Roppongi. Ill have to park the car on the outskirts of the city and go on foot from there. Dont want anybody stealing it after all. Fingers crossed that this is just your ordinary club.

Sorry for the lack of updates 😭

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