Chapter 27

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Me and Tanjiro met up at my house as he didn't know the phone number. He knew the address though and was more than happy to show me. "Hey Naja". "Hey Tanjiro, come inside. I made dinner so let's eat first before going out". "Sure".

But I forgot that there were now other people living with me. So when Tanjiro froze near the kitchen doorway I was confused before remembering about my new housemates. "Oh! Tanjiro I'd like you to meet my- uh cousins!". Cue a raised eyebrow from Draken, an amused expression from Mitsuya and a suspicious grin from Hanma.

"You have cousins?". For some reason Tanjiro was in an intense staring competition with the others. "Three times removed. Just a warning the cats are in the living room". "Maybe we can skip dinner?", he whispered to me as I grew confused. What's up with him today?

"Nuh uh. I'm starving and ready to swallow a whole horse. We're eating and then going to Mrs Shinobu and Tamayo. I'll get the food". "I'll help you Naja", stated Kakucho who followed me into the kitchen.


Getting stared at with murderous intent wasn't on my to do list for today. "So, Ganpachiro was it? How long have you known Naja?", asked a short blonde with his hair half up and his soulless black eyes drilling into mine. "Uh- Tanjiro actually. Me and Naja have know each other ever since she moved here with her brother". "Oh yeah? She lived somewhere else?", asked the only girl at the table with short white hair.

"S-she used to live on the outskirts of the city before she moved here to be closer to her job. Why did you guys come to visit Naja?". "Our house is getting renovated". "Insect attack". "Volcano erupted". The last one made everyone turn to look at the guy with the long black hair like he was insane. Maybe he is. "What?".

"*sigh* Anyways, what are you to Naja". "A friend", is what I had to say. But I wish we were something more. How could she not see my love for her? But even if she never see's my loves, I will always be faithful and will be by her side no matter what. "Here's the dinner. Why so tense". "Nothing love. Just talking with your friend", beamed the lanky guy with a yellow streak of hair in his otherwise black hair.

Love? Aren't they cousins? That's disgusting. Although Naja nor Naoto ever mentioned any relatives other than other than their parents. "Itadakimasu". "Itadakimasu!".


After shovelling in some food, me and Tanjiro headed out to Mrs Shinobu's house so we could get back in time. "Take a left here and continue straight for a few kilometres". We drove in tense silence all the way, neither of us saying a word except the occasional direction from Tanjiro. "We're here".

We had arrived at a small cottage on the outskirts of town where there was nothing for miles around except for golden fields and a few scattered houses.

*Knock Knock*

"Yes? Who is I- Naja! So nice to see you!", exclaimed Tamayo in glee as she brought me into a hug. "It's been ages! Oh and Tanjiro! It has been quite a but since I last saw you as well. Come in! Come in". She led us inside after we respectfully took off our footwear.

"Shinobu is outright now but she should be returning quite soon. Join us for some late tea". "Mommy, who is that?", meekly questioned a little girl around five years of age. She had Tamayo's eyes and Shinobu's hair. "Don't worry sweetheart. These are just some of mummy's friends. Go on and play with your sister".

We were led to a comfortable tea room with tatami mats and a low table in the centre which was surrounded by cushions. Fine china teacups with plates were artistically scattered on the mahogany surface as the cutlery gleamed like diamonds.

"Have a seat while I bring out the tea and snacks lovebirds". Now that just made things awkward as Tamayo left us to sit at the table. "So... your cousins are... interesting". "Yeah". "How long have you known them?". "My whole life". "Cool".

The silence went on until Tamayo came back with a teapot and a plate full of snacks. "So when's the wedding?", teased Tamayo with a glimmer in her eyes. "Lady Tamayo! Me and Naja are only friends!", burst out Tanjiro. His face turning the colour of a ripe tomato.

"Fufufu. Oh please, I see the way you two look at each other. Don't worry, your secrets safe with me for now. Let's eat".

It was quite a bit before Shinobu finally got back home and by that time I wanted to bury myself alive due to Tamayo's teasing. "Welcome back love. We have some visitors". "Hm? Oh it's these two. How can I help?". "We were wondering if you could tell me about an incident I had. I remember my parents and brother mentioning it offhandedly but I need to know what happened for a case".

"I see. Come with me, Tanjiro you stay with Tamayo". Shinobu led me away from the tea room to what looked like her personal little office. "Take a seat while I find the documents from that incident". She started rummaging around in her cupboard until she sat with a folder bursting with papers.

"Here they are. It happened when you were a child so it's no wonder you don't remember the event. It happened around Christmas, your parents ran into the hospital with a bloodied lump in their arms. That was you".

Gee thank you Mrs Shinobu that boosts my self confidence to the moon.

"They said you were playing with your friends in an abandoned building when you fell from the window due to loose bricks. We managed to pull you out of a critical condition but you were in a coma for a bit before you woke up".

"I had friends?". Yes. Out of all the things I could've asked I asked that. What did you want, I thought I didn't have friends as a child."... Anyways you had brain damage and lost most of your memories so your parents decided to move". "You don't happen to know who those friends were do you?". "No. But your parents left a photo album in our care in case something happened".

Me and Tanjiro left shortly after I helped him escape from the children that clung to him like koalas. I dropped him off at his house. On the way back home I decided to open up the photo album and casually flicked through it. It contained photos of mine and Naoto's childhood which were completely new until the next page almost made my heart stop.

This changes everything...

Hello everyone, I won't be updating for maybe a week if not more after Wednesday as I'm going to the hospital. I'll try to get an update or two in before Wednesday. Have a good day 😊

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